Theocratic warfare

by marriedtoajw 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Its another word for lying!

    Who is the father of the lie? Speaking to the unbelieving Jews, Jesus at John 8:44 said, "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." The JWs should rethink their rationale.

  • designs


  • garyneal

    I believe the Society 'lies' in a way to protect its interests using legalese and vague language to soften their hardline stances as to not make themselves look like lunatics or religious fanatics. Basically, their like lawyers trying to make their case look as good as they can. They instruct their witnesses to do the same things in their Wednesday night meetings over some of their doctrines. Their blood doctrine in particular is covered in ways of instructing witnesses how they can make themselves look less fanatical to outsiders.

    Just read their Reasoning From the Scriptures book on certain topics and you will notice that the language is carefully chosen so that they can weasel their way out of tough spots. Remember, the second president of the WT was a lawyer and a 'judge.' Notice how everything about them seems geared toward the judicial branches of government. They don't vote or hold public offices but they don't mind going to bat in our courtrooms. Also, as far as I know, Judge Rutherford was a door to door salesman, should it come to no surprise that his followers peddle their religion door to door?

    Someone pointed out the child custody book given to Jehovah's Witnesses involved in custody disputes with non witnesses. If you read it, you will see that it too instructs witnesses on how to reframe their wacky doctrines in a way that is more palattable. More legal maneuvering from an organization with ample experience inside a courtroom.

  • Stealth

    'Judge Rutherford'

    Theocratic warfare at it's best. Judges get elected. Rutherford was never an elected Judge. In the 19th century, if an elected judge went on vacation then a lawyer could sit in for a few days as an acting judge. Rutheford acted as a substitue judge on 2 or 3 occasions, most of those doing nothing.

    He then adopts the title of 'Judge Rutherford' after taking over the WTBTS in order to give the appearance of being more credible and more trustworthy to his potential followers. The truth is he was a door to door salesman and a crappy lawyer.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Amen. Rutherford was no judge. It is misleading and pretentious to call himself Judge. Also, most people want to be called by their Christian name in a community. I like my family and close friends using my nickname b/c it shows the intimacy in the relationship. It is telling that I have no idea what his real name was.

  • sd-7

    Clearly, Jehovah's Witnesses do not lie in the conscious sense. If they lie, they are usually not conscious of the fact that they are lying or may not view it as a lie, per se. Because, for example, certain things said to the public are phrased in such a way that there is just enough truth there and just enough of reality concealed.

    If an unbelieving mate is directly interfering with spiritual stuff, then under some circumstances a wife might choose to withhold the truth from her husband.

    In short, it's an unconscious form of lying for the average JW. He or she will genuinely believe it is true so far as the circumstances in which it is said.


  • garyneal

    Stealth & BOTR,

    Yes, I was aware that he was no official judge hence why I said that he was a 'judge.'

    As to the name he adopted, that is just how I identify him by: Joseph 'Judge' Rutherford.

    When I found out how he was so instrumental in shaping this religion (even to the name they've chosen for themselves) it all began to make perfect sense. Why do witnesses go door to door? Because of Rutherford's model of being a door to door salesman. Why do witnesses fight in the courtrooms when they are suppose to be 'no part of the world?' Because, Rutherford was a lawyer and a 'judge.'

  • marriedtoajw

    I believe that my wife and her family are using Theocratic Warfare stragegies in trying to indoctrinate my kids behind my back. Do any of you think it would be helpful to call them on it or at least question her about what Theocratic Warfare is?

  • marriedtoajw
  • Retrovirus

    Hello and welcome, marriedtoajw!

    I believe that my wife and her family are using Theocratic Warfare stragegies in trying to indoctrinate my kids behind my back. Do any of you think it would be helpful to call them on it or at least question her about what Theocratic Warfare is ?

    I'm a non-jw whose brother was married to a jw. My ex-SIL tried everything possible to influence their children, but my brother insisted on giving them a balanced perspective and not forcing meeting and/or service attendence etc. The marriage was of course very stressful and ended when the children were in their teens. None of the children became jws.

    As I understand it, to a believing jw, slanting the picture isn't deception, or "theocratic warfare" (I've only seen that phrase used in old lit, usually wrt lying by omission in court). Over-influencing, pressuring, guilt tripping, leaving "hard-core" stuff out, is just a way of life for them. If education and the internet are demonised, and all your info comes from a single biassed source, it's easy to prevent logical thinking and reality checking.

    I'd concentrate on teching the children critical thinking, and making sure they get a sound education. Give them alternatives to the jw way of life, fun alternatives. You are after all the head of the household (in jw terms).

    As for calling your wife and family on it; you know them best. It is likely, however, to set up their defenses. The wt literature encourages them to fear and abhor any who try to "weaken their faith", and this could stress your marriage.

    Best wishes in your difficult situation, Retro.

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