Religious People Live Longer

by mankkeli 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mankkeli

    “Regular involvement in religious activities goes hand in hand with better physical health and a longer life, according to a statistical analysis of 42 independent studies published since 1977 that have addressed this issue,” states Science News. “Religious involvement, especially the public type, showed a statistically significant relationship to higher survival rates, the scientists say.” Several reasons have been proposed for the findings—the shunning of risky behaviors, marital stability, less depression associated with matters beyond direct control, greater social contacts, and positive emotions and attitudes. One report concludes: “Frequent religious attendance has now been found . . . to be associated with a reduced hazard of dying, particularly among women. Frequent religious attenders . . . reported greater social support, less depression, and better health practices.”

  • Qcmbr

    Why do you think this is? Is it the power of the supernatural mysteriously almost curing illnesses , slightly reducing cholesterol just enough to marginally reduce the death rate and starting age related disease a year or so later? Is this effect more pronounced the closer to the 'truth' you get, so a pretty crappy religion might be just the same as atheists but a shiny born again , much closer to god, gets a full extra year?

    Rich people live longer too. God must love the rich.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    and woman live longer

  • Qcmbr

    Isn't the reward of heaven the goal of most religions? Seems like the religious would want to get the reward quicker... I don't think that a religious person citing staying out of heaven longer is being very smart.

  • Joliette

    Wow...((blank stare)).

  • JRK

    I would rather die sooner than be a religious asshat.


  • 144001

    So, Mankelli, to paraphrase your post, if you're delusional enough to believe in the savior on a stick, you'll live longer? No thanks, Mankelli. I'd rather live a short life, with freedom of expression and freedom of thought, than to be a mindless, enslaved cow-like being that lives a long life, notwithstanding its mental deficiencies.

  • Retrovirus

    Mankkeli, since you failed to cite your source I've helped you out (and you a "professor" - LMAO!).

    The artice is here.

    And here's a bit that was carefully omitted:

    George A. Kaplan, a social epidemiologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor,

    expresses skepticism about the new report. “There are only a handful of good studies on religion

    and physical health,” so mixing them with many inferior studies “doesn’t tell us much

    more than we know already,” he says.

    “There is absolutely no basis for recommending religiosity as a preventive strategy [in

    health care],” Kaplan says.

    At least you can only improve, Mankkeli!

  • mankkeli

    This may trigger a return to the KH. Just thinking.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.
    This may trigger a return to the KH.


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