Religious People Live Longer

by mankkeli 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • thetrueone

    The message thats being presented in this document is that living a active healthy lifestyle is beneficial throughout one person's life,

    which can possibly lead to an extended life. You do not have to be constant church goer for this to happen.

  • transhuman68

    Does this study include those who have died of boredom in the KH? Probably not, huh?

  • thetrueone

    Frequent religious attendance has now been found . . . to be associated with a reduced hazard of dying.

    The things that aren't being said here is that any social interaction in a community environment is beneficial as well as

    being health conscience are contributing factors to a healthier longer life.

    Another well known study, that came out not too long ago found that longevity is strongly associated with heredity and genetics.

    I bias viewpoint from an ignorant uneducated religious zealot, who happens to lie a lot .

    I wouldn't take Mankklei's comments too seriously being that that he is a brainwashed JWS, whose head is full of JW indoctrination.

  • dgp

    Question: Was Jesus religious, then?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    can't have been dgp...he didn't live very long

  • ShadesofGrey

    I have noticed that many JWs put off any attempts at improving their health because they will have perfect health in the new world, so why mess with it now?

    I have heard that quote.

    Here is another treasure: Well, if he dies he is better off anyway... he that dies is aquitted of sin you know, so that's the easier way into the new system.

    I almost threw up.

  • 3rdgen

    A longer life for the religious? Lets see.....

    NOT for: JW's who need a blood transfusion

    NOT for: Penticostal snake charmers

    NOT for: REALLY sick Christian Scientists

    NOT for: Muslim Sucide Bombers

    NOT for: Thirsty Peoples Temple members

    Have I forgotten anyone??

  • WTWizard

    Religious people might have someone they imagine as a "friend" to take off stress. However, people that take adequate magnesium also live longer than they would have if they were deficient in magnesium, and for most of the same reasons.

    However, magnesium asks not of the user to believe in things that are beyond belief (like a flood that destroyed all humans some 4,400 years ago), to go to church for inspiration whether or not they know what they are talking about, or to distribute copies of the same religion in others' lives. It also doesn't add guilt and shame for what people normally derive pleasure from. Nor does it presume a person is wicked and "fallen" or "undeserving" and only worthy of salvation via believing 1,600 pages worth of fables and lies, or doing exactly as one of the characters did.

  • NewChapter

    Here is another treasure: Well, if he dies he is better off anyway... he that dies is aquitted of sin you know, so that's the easier way into the new system.

    Wanna throw up more? I've heard this referred to as the underground tunnel to the new system.

  • hotspur

    That's because it's SO boring it just makes you think you are living longer!

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