Apocalypse-porn now available at jw.org!

by serenitynow! 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • undercover

    and look at the smiles on the faces of people as 6 - 7 billion people are destroyed in the background........

    Yea. Those illustrations of how happy we're all gonna be as we evacuate destroyed cities and towns is so unrealistic.

    I imagine, if it were to really happen, we would be more like the survivors of the zombie apocolypse in the TV show The Walking Dead.

    Actually...now that I think about it, I'd rather be with Rick, Shane and group killing zombies, than wandering around with a congregation of JWs, led by dumbass window washing elders. At least Shane's a badass with a gun.

  • LostGeneration

    Check out this from page 19!


    Parents who are Jehovah’s Witnesses

    force their children to follow their faith.


    Witness parents strive to inculcate love

    for God in their offspring, just as the Bible

    commands them to. (Ephesians 6:4) Nevertheless,

    they realize that when a child becomes

    an adult, he or she will make a personal

    choice with regard to worship.

    —Romans 14:12; Galatians 6:5.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon
    they realize that when a child becomes
    an adult, he or she will make a personal
    choice with regard to worship.

    just like they will make a personal choice to let a publishing company tell them to never speak to their own offspring again.

  • serenitynow!

    No James Woods, the dead horses & people pic is inside the mag. I guess it's supposed to depict an example of how jah slaughtered masses of people in the bible.

  • Mickey mouse
  • ziddina
    "An ARROW??? So Armageddon is going to happen during bow season and the deer hunters will be tricked into shooting each other? ..." James_Woods


    As a result of the "Great Tribulation", the "nations" will run out of ouzis, bazookas, heat-seeking missiles, "smart" bombs and rockets, atomic bombs, tanks, and all other 21st-century weapons, and will be forced to use medieval weapons.....

    But at least it matches the medieval mentality of the Watchtower Corporation's Gov.Bod!!!

  • diamondiiz
    one dude has an arrow stuck in his back

    I guess Jesus won't have any better weapons than bows right? Those are the weapons God used from the beginning right? A sword in Eden is a prime example of all powerful God using inferior human weapons to protect a garden :)

    I guess Jesus will come back on a white horse and will shoot arrows at 7billion people, maybe GB close to death should take up archery as that might help them once they're dead.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I think the dude with the arrow in his back is supposed to be part of the Egyptian army in the red sea.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    OMG. I recognize one of the families coming out of Armageddon!

    And the scene of slaughter on the previous page - CREEPY!!!

    .....and what about this do they think the public will find interesting. . . The fact that they look like complete NUTJOBS?!??!?

  • undercover

    I think the dude with the arrow in his back is supposed to be part of the Egyptian army in the red sea.

    I thought Jehovah used the waters returning to their normal state to crush and drown Pharoah's army? Where's the water? Why did Jehovah have to use arrows and spears?

    This has to be some other battle. (don't have the PDF open to research at the moment)

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