If you are fixated and determined on finding inconsistencies, lies and half-truths; then take the easy route and examine the annals of The Watchtower’s history, testimonies and publications.
Goodness, dear iclone (peace to you!)... don't discourage him from reading Mr. Franz's book... if that's what it'll take to get him to look at something other than a WT! I fear that HE may ultimately end up spiritually shipwrecked, yes (because he will be SO chagrined over what he has said here! May that NOT be the case, however!)... but perhaps if he reads it he will at least see the "lie" that the WTBTS is... and perhaps turn and seek Christ... in TRUTH (and not through some "golden calf" that the people built and look to because "Moses" is taking too long to return from the mountain (Zion)... and so people look to such things because they worship by sight... not faith... and so need to SEE something with their eyes in order to worship God).
Don't discourage him... and please don't send him back to their "poison." He's blind, yet, and so will probably have gulped down a barrel before he even feels any [negative] effects. Which could ultimately be fatal.
His best bet would be to look to Christ, without ANY book. Since he obviously can't do that, yet, I would say Mr. Franz's book(s) are... shall we say... safer... than ANY WT/AW/publication!
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,