CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE ARRIVED - Lets see what my guy (Ray franz) had been up to
by mankkeli 53 Replies latest jw experiences
Mankelli said,
CoC was delivered this evenning...
I, and probably most here, would recommend that you read it with an open mind and open heart.
Sadly, the Watchtower disagrees.
@ Outlaw
The Doctors had never seen so many Paper Cuts.
That's terrible! Why can't I stop laughing?
OMG Outlaw, I laughed myself silly. My dog is looking at me with concern.
Hi guys i'm new to this site and thought that I would comment on the "crises of conscience" and "in search of Christian freedom" by ray Franz. Man what an eye opener. I've read c.o.c and I'm halfway through c.f. I'm a former elder and have been inactive for 7 years now. These books need to be studied at the study. Then the scales would start to fall off of the eyes of all the hardcore jdubs and maybe just maybe they would stop drinking all that brainwash fluid that is causing their spiritual drunkenness. Our obstinate friend may just see the real "truth" about the watchtower and slave society. Franz books are sincerely the real "truth book"
A warning should be given out that this particular individual who uses the name Mankkeli, whose
sole intension in coming to this forum is to chastise and demean people, who present any expressive opposition to the JWS,
who he says he's a member of. The recent attempt by him to publicly expose said apostates by luring people to put up their own pictures
on the forum as a means to further chastise individuals, was done with malicious vindictive intent.
Even when he starts threads to stimulate a discussion on a topic about the JWS he breaks further into pretentious lying
about himself, as he easily fails in his attempt to support the WTS and its doctrines.
The obvious reason he fails is because the WTS. obviously fails when trying to validate itself as to what the organization self proclaims
of what it is. The organization's own lies and corruption creates and develops its devoted followers to also be disingenuous and corrupt.
The best thing to do with this individual is to ignore him and possible wait for his account to be deleted.
Sooner or later the owner and manager of the forum (Simon) will have enough of his exploitive intensional abuse
of the forum itself and of the people who mostly come here.
life is to short
If you stayed at his home like you said here ""Please note this, Ray was my very good friend before He died, I even stayed by him through out the period of his spiritual onslaught, I am constantly using his experience to remind lurkers that our beloved Ray Franz didnt take rash decisions even while the tsunami was approaching, Rather, He maintained his tranquility until He could no longer help himself. So, WHy should anyone think He or She would confidently spit on the organisation and not expect to inhale the harzadous air?. Lurkers must view all current challeges and disturbing thoughts as part of their spiriual growth not as a medium to bully Jehovahs's wife(His earthly organisation)." he never gave you a book?
Found Sheep
LoJack welcome!!! I'd love for it to be studied at the BS!!!! that's clasic
life is to short
Yes I just saw your post LoJack welcome and I would go back to the meetings if it were to be studied.