What history have you seen in the makeing???

by karter 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    9/11 was probably the biggest thing I can recall.

    Tupac dying was my generation's equivalent of John Lennon getting shot. Pac had been shot a few times before, so when he got hit the last time and the news went out that he got shot, we just shrugged our shoulders and said to ourselves, "Pac's a mess!" Didn't expect him not to pull through. I joke with people nowadays and ask them, What's Tupac's name spelled backwards? Caput.

    I have to say the one piece of history that trumps those in my opinion, was the elimination of the Book Study arrangement in people's homes. I never saw that one coming, and I don't think anybody else did either. I'll never forget the PO, as he was called back then, pulled us into the room before the meeting, and read the letter to us. Right afterwards, he read the letter changing the PO title to COBOE. Then they read the announcement after the meeting that the Book Study arrangement was coming to an end. It was shocking, especially after the previous emphasis on the Book Study being the most important meeting, but like everything else, they were full of shit on that too.

  • designs

    McCarthy era Communist hunts in the 50s, end of the Korean War, JFK, LBJ, MLK, RK jr., Moon Walk, Civil Rights Movement, Hippie Movement, Vietnam War, Nixon Impeachment, Overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the Islamic Revolution, Oil Embargo, Reagan era and the rise of the Moral Majority Evangelicals, End of the Berlin Wall, Dot Com Boom, Wars in Iraq twice and Afghanistan twice, 9/11, Financial Meltdown, 1st USA President of African heritage.

  • sir82

    In 1975 Armageddon came, right on time.

    Oh wait - I didn't see that one.....

  • talesin


    I worked with this guy,,, he was a draft dodger, but I KNEW he was special ...

  • N.drew

    Cursive's near extinction. What's cursive? It was the right way to write. I can hardly read it. Find an antique letter in cursive. How nice! I wonder what it says?

  • N.drew

    An explosion of plastic toys.

  • N.drew

    Government funded housing.

  • N.drew

    Refrigerator magnets. What?

  • N.drew

    The prevalence of pampered pets. You know, spending more money on the dog than most people spend on themselves in a year.

  • ziddina

    the "Cold War" - and attendant "nuclear bomb drills" in the schools - and I always wondered how in the heck crouching under my [at the time, very "modern"] moveable desk with my hands over my head, was going to protect me from the shock wave and radioactive flames of a nuclear attack...

    The space race - including the panic that hit America when Russia launched "Sputnik", thereby beating the Americans into space... And these bible-thumping American fundamentalists have TOTALLY forgotten the panic that their religious predecessors went into when it appeared that, based on SCIENCE, godless Russia was BEATING "god"-fearing America...

    And when they launched dogs and monkeys into space - but WITHOUT any way to bring them back...

    John F. Kennedy's assassination...

    the Vietnam War - the film coverage, the protests, the shootings of protesting Kent State students who had NO weapons... The draft...

    Nixon's "Watergate"

    The "Apollo One" tragedy - killed all three astronauts....

    America finally caught up with and surpassed the Russians - NOT by "praying", by the way... First manned landing on the moon...

    the "Challenger" disaster....

    The eruption of Mount St. Helens - if it had held off for another month, I probably would have been an eyewitness - and hopefully a survivor...

    the Gulf War.... The attempts to conquer Iraq by Bush Sr..... The idiocy of the Reagan/Bush administrations, including Reagan pulling all U.S. troops out of Lebanon due to terrorist attacks - which is one of the few CORRECT decisions that Alzheimers'-ridden president made, imo... The severe, deep recession that followed those three Republican administrations - like the Great Depression which followed two Republican administrations...

    The Serb/Bosnian conflict...

    And then, when baby Bush and his gang somehow neglected to read the report titled, "Bin Laden Determined to Attack United States" and the 9/11 disaster that resulted...

    the manned Space Station

    Shoemaker-Levy comet hitting Jupiter...

    "Voyager" and subsequent missions that gave us a much better look at the moons which may harbor primitive life, in our solar system...

    The "Mars Rover" mission - and its SPECTACULAR success...

    Barack Obama sending a mission that successfully killed Osama Bin Laden...


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