1973 "Roe V Wade" that made abortion leagle.
What history have you seen in the makeing???
by karter 120 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
I visited Occupy Now! b/c it was historic. Unlike my earlier years,, I did not feel that I was a particpant. I wanted to report back to my friends what my experience was. The mentally ill homeless made it very difficult. I offered to bring some supplies. An acquaintance chasisted me for mentioning the danger of the mentally ill homeless. Yet the Christian groups present constantly were watching me so that my bag was not ripped from me. They mentioned how they would be extremely nice to the p olice but wondered about people who are not capable of being nice.
1966 England winning the football world cup......i don't think ill live to see that again.
One more thing I've witnessesd is the end of 111 years with the WT$ for my dads side of the family.
Aussie Oz
2. The beginning of the end of the Watchtower.
1. The birth of my daughter who will be the first person to invent time travel and will use it to make sure William Miller dies in the cicil war.
Aussie Oz
On a more real note...
the Internet.
At no time in history have so many had access to so much information and points of view. People have for the first time, the freedom to read whatever they like, to question whatever they like and to believe whatever they like.
I am sure it will evolve in ways we know not, will be the subject of much debate and attempted controls but will keep on until the satalites fall from the skys.
Then it will still have impact because billions will not be able to unsee what has been seen, unlearn what has been learned. The legacy of the internets existance will be longer lasting than the internet itself.
French attack on the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Harbour
nancy drew
I've seen so many things in 62 yrs I'll just list what stood out to me
My mother and me watching Elvis Presley on the Ed Sullivan show and we watched american bandstand
the cuban Missle crisis and the feelings of fear
Kennedy shot but more intense to me was seeing Lee Harvey Oswald shot on tv right in front of me Those events were like 911 one surprise after another during Oswalds shooting one reporter said "holy mackeral" during 911 I heard "good lord" it was the same feeling
Martin luther King and bobby Kennedy
The emotional earthquake the vietnam war caused me the demonstrations where have all the flowers gone four dead in Ohio I was never the same
The doors concert
I think I'll stop here
Pocket caculators.
Rubic's cube.
More Bethel's closeing then opening.