I'd like to pose a serious question. Okay, the anointed are filled with Jehovah's holy spirit and are zealous for Righteousness to the bitter end.
Why wouldn't any and all anointed ones where ever they reside be completely pissed off and spoiling for a fight the way Jesus was outside the temple with the money changers?
You'd think all the blasphemous date-setting, doctrinal changes, flip-flops and excuses would make them boiling mad to the point they WOULD NOT TOLERATE the lack of love among the Governing Body!
Why wouldn't they do AS JESUS DID? Stand up in the middle of the Kingdom Hall and (using the full knowledge that everybody in the Hall KNOWS they are of the anointed) speak up and challenge the wrong teaching?
Isn't this the least you would expect of a defender of the faith? If not the anointed; who? If not now; when?