Please President Obama - save us from the Watchtower (religion)

by Fernando 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • curiouscynic

    Wow... 1st Amendment anyone?

    Many of you are still Christian and advocate an eradication of JWs? How 'bout your own brand of Christianity? It's all ice cream and popsicles and deserves its place in society?

    While it's true that a divisive religion, prone to brainwashing and indoctrination, like JWs, can be harmful. I personally see very little significant differences between JWs and the rest of Christendom and would just as soon see all mythology eradicated. However, that isn't my decision to make as mine is just one voice among many. So I must favor a system in which all are permitted to worship, or not, as they see fit as long as they don't hurt anyone else. Other than their own offspring, of course, they can screw their own kids up as much as they want.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Religion DOES hurt.

    Individuals have every right to believe in whatever they like.

    Organizations should have no right to manipulate the beliefs of individuals in dangerous harmful ways.

    But in this country, organizations and individuals are treated basically the same when it comes to religious rights. Actually, organizations are given extra rights that the individual believer/worshipper do not have. Think of all the different tax freedoms religious organizations enjoy while religious individuals pay tax after tax after tax.

  • steve2
    Many of you are still Christian and advocate an eradication of JWs? How 'bout your own brand of Christianity? It's all ice cream and popsicles and deserves its place in society?

    I totally agree with curiouscynic. There's nothing quite so irritating to me as a "Christian" calling for governmental eradication of JWs. It's like someone with auditory hallucinations declaring themselves well but declaring people who have visual hallucinations to be sick. Um, actually if you must use that sort of language, you're all in the same boat.

  • curiouscynic

    Oh Jesus... don't get me started on the tax free status of religious organizations. I'll hurt someone's feelings for sure.

    And with regard to organizations not having a right to manipulate individuals; I would remind you that you, as an individual, are free to seek membership in any organization YOU CHOOSE.

  • Berengaria
    but there are also times when society completely stifles religious expression, too. (i.e., Communist nations and some really really liberal areas... or areas where 90% of people believe the same thing and differering opinions aren't allowed)
    Can we get some examples of this?

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