How do you view human authority?

by sabastious 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • N.drew
    The Borg would be like 100 and 1 at the same time!

    I think you might be right Lore. (which helps prove my ring theory!). I keep trying to let the status quo know, but they just won't listen.

  • AGuest

    I would have to say, in THIS "system"... 50... dear Sab (peace to you!). Because there are criminals and others (elderly, infirmed, disabled, minors, etc.) who SHOULD be under some/full control by others... which requires funds... and since many wouldn't voluntarily contribute to the care of these (but still want to be protected from the first and AS the latter, as well benefit in some way should they find themselves or a loved one among the latter, and many of those who DID voluntarily contribute would probably do so minimally)... there needs to be a way to compel them.

    Unfortunately, with most human rights violations, it is the actions of a few that call for action by the many... which doesn't always occur without some kind of compulsion. That's why I learned to appreciate the "superior authorities", to the extent such act in a humanitarian capacity and manner more or less.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • truth_b_known

    100. It's not perfect, but it is all we have. I support government ruled by laws.

    Plus, it's job security for me.

  • Twisty

    Well the question was how you feel about human authorities having control over your life, so 1-100 i put it in a percentage format and run it through my mind.

    I feel that i would be comfortable with human Authority having a 19% control over my life I'm not sure if this points to Duration or Intensity.

    Apologies if i misunderstood the question i have had a few beers.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    42. It's the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything.

  • maninthemiddle

    Dang Mickey you beat me to it.

    But seriously, somewhere in the middle, laws are useful. I think the US is to far past the middle right now.

  • tec

    Funny, I was going to say 50 as well.



  • AGuest

    A little more "balance," there, eh, dear tec (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!)?


    Peace, chile!

    SA, on her own...

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