It's not a lie to tell someone, "Sorry, but that's none of your damn business!"
"It's Ok to Lie"
by Azazel 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"A few of the old superfine apostle ladies turned and glanced at me.( should have given them the bird for good measure.)...."
A huge "eyes-roll" might have done it...
Some of them might have rolled their eyes back at you.....
So I am assuming that when hauled before a judicial committee and in light of all the talk of apostates even being amongst elders it would be ok to lie and say that nothing happened and that anyone accusing you is lying and to protect your "spirituality" call them liars.
I am guessing that individuals determine what should and should not be said in the way of "truth" so Judicial committees are the prime target for lying and denying cos really now 'they have no reason to know".
Hah hah hah hah hah!!!
Truthseeker1969, I LIKE the way you think!!!
Hi Indian Larry your post ( I have a question for Azazel (original poster) )
Ive sent you a PM with abit of background to me and why im doinf the ordeal. Hope answers your question.
they have been passing this around in their back elder room talks for years. i think i posted about this a few months ago. they are taking their philosphy from star wars now, ben kenobi said many of the truths we cling to are from a certain point of view. i know about other bizarre principles they pass it's ok to treat people like shit once they are baptized if you are an elder.
Aussie Oz
The JWs have their own 'dictionary' with cherrypicked definitions of such words as
love, lie, apostate, truth, cult and so forth.
Just in case anyones interested i had the Sunday Public talk and the concluding talk by the circus oversser today and i will give you the gist of the last talk.
"The Time Left is Reduced- How will you use it?"
i wasnt paying complete attention by this last part as i do bible research to make some use of the time i have to accrue by attending so he caught my attention about a prophecy god gave abraham that his descendants would return to the promised land in 400 years time. the israelites in egyptian captivity could have known that they were going to be freed but they had ignored/forgotten this. Moses tried to free the people but was 40 years before gods time was ready and had to wait before coming back to led the israelites out of egypt.
Point God has set the date of Armageddon and nobody can make that day come quicker or delay it.( dehr! he is God he can do as he wants)
dont worry about what date it will come because you cant influence the day. Live each day as if Armageddon is going to happen tomorrow because it's that close!Severe persecution is going to happen it will be on us soon.
Dates and times are interesting but our Faith in God is more important! Be active and focus on the joy of serving God now.Dont get disappointed because of dates people have expected , dont worry the timimg is up to God.
My opinion.
There must be something coming in the news,book or online that is going to expose the false prophecy of the WTS and they are into damage prevention now.
The WTS Library has been culled of all incriminating references to their false predictions.
I think their circling the wagons for something?
Does anyone have an idea what that might be?
Love to hear from you.
i actually do, but i could never say it here :\ . they have informants in sensitive areas, so they get the heads up on things. everyone here knows that now, what used to be sold as "new light, prophecy, etc" was usually some informant getting them inside news. well the new light is, extremely bright...and they are preparing.