Just a thought Azazel - with the change of meaning for 'generation' they have extended the time for Armageddon by many years, if not indefinately. It is now more difficult for them to point out the urgency of Armageddon. Of course 'the time left is reduced', it is in fact nearly 2,000 years closer than when Jesus was on the earth.
"It's Ok to Lie"
by Azazel 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Band on the Run
Who decides who is entitled to know the truth? This is such a slippery slope. Part of me understands not being candid in a repressive regime. Dietrich Bonhoffer returned to Germany to try to assassinate Hitler. Do the rank and file decide who is entitled to know the truth? I can imagine state prisons are full of inmates who feel the police were not entitled to the truth. It is a moral swamp. They should at least acknowledge how messy the principle is.
Thanks for the responses.
Listener remember the terminology of the WTS they didnt change the meaning of "generation" ( because that would imply they were lying about it or just didnt know what the F to say about it) its the "light" just got brighter and everythings awesome now so forget what we told you in the past and just keep kissing our ass and youl be "in" with God.
One positive of the circus overseers visit was the WT study was question only so that was at least bearable.
My Personal thought
Disclaimer: to many of my friends who are atheists i in no way post my thoughts as the "right" belief, its just my belief.I live in a glass house and would never cast stones at others ( except for that Duschbag mankkeli )
the more i study the actual bible and read the context the easier it is to unravel the misleading "truths" i had been indoctrinated with as a JW. i was really pissed off when the Schmelders DF me because i didnt want to be DF i didnt want to be outside the JW ( i admit i was a brainwashed product of a high control cult now).
Now in hindsight they really did me a favour to wake me up to reality and see what the bible really says and what they teach and believe is just a load of refuse.The WTS is just the modern day Sanhedrin. They have deviated from the truth of gods word.
this is basically the society ... telling it's members that it's okay for US to lie to YOU. . . . lohengren
As the congregation is hearing the messenger who is saying sometimes it's OK to lie, then how are they now certain that the messenger isn't lying? . . . N.drew
Exactly! . . . they must have a fair bit of "stupid" flowing in their veins. By even hinting at deceit being acceptable, they undermine their own credibility. They seem to be oblivious to the last part of that equation.
At best you can only expect the truth you are entitled to know according to them . . . by their own decree!
You can never have it both ways for too long . . . this doctrine is destined to bite their ass IMO.
Azazel ....
"Dates and times are interesting but our Faith in God is more important! Be active and focus on the joy of serving God now.Dont get disappointed because of dates people have expected , dont worry the timimg is up to God."
Sounds like they (GB) are playing "bad cop, good cop" now!!! lol
They never cease to amaze me.
In case anyone thinks this "ok to lie" business is new ....... years ago when I was first going out in field circus, 'they' said, just tell people about all the wonderful experiences you've had with the JW's........................ but, I said, I haven't had any yet!
Well, they said ... "just make something up!" (direct quote)
Of course this was said right in front of my little boys! Wow! When I think of it now ...... just make something up!!!!!!!!!! my a$$
Post Note after Circus Overseers visit
They announced to the half empty hall that the next co visit is in 3 months? musta missed that change but the circus gets overseen now 3 monthly.is it to keep the hype up or keep the Schmelders in check?
They are now concentrating on major metropolitan areas that are a problem. See information on the new Gilead school. They are trying to shore up the ranks. It WILL backfire, as the new GB are idiots. Minds are a terrible thing to waste!