Important to put in your letter of DA

by Roberta804 62 Replies latest members private

  • Roberta804

    I have been out for over 20 years and was involved in the Crisis of Concious witch hunt in the late '80's. I was young with a 4 year old son at the time. Both my husband and I left together and wrote our seperate letters, but we got legal help as we knew we were being painted into a corner. Well to be short my husband and I wrote our letters and the letters were both filled with scripturial stuff based on what we were taught. As I watched our attorney read our letters before we sent them, I cringed at all the red lines of ink in a letter that took me nearly a week to write. It was a two page letter and the attorney whittled it down to two paragraphs: The introduction, the intent of the letter, a paragraph of what would happen legally if our names were defamed in any mannor and a closing. Although our names were NEVER mentioned from the platform we were treated as any DA person. I did not think the omission of being annouced from the platform was tied to the legal paragraph of our attorney, but 7 years later I realized how important that paragraph was.

    Seven years later, when our son was 13 years old he was visiting his Grandma, (not a JW), but my brother-in-law was also there who is a JW. Dispite his obvious dirinking problem he had been recently made a Elder. Well he took my 13 year old son aside and proceeded to tell him what a wicked mother I was because of things I had done in my past. My son asked me if all this was true and I explained to him we all do things we later regret. It was several months that went by and I heard the same thing from a girlfriend of mine whose family were JW. I went back to our attorney told him what happened. Together we fired off a letter to the WBTS, cc to CO and to the local KH and then he filed suit based on defamation of character. Our demands were remove my bother-in-law as a Elder so that no other abuse of children will occur and a undisclosed settlement for the defamation and abuse of my son. I never did see a court room. My BIL was removed promptly, the amount of the settlement went back and forth for some 8 months. We sued the WBTS, the local KH and my bil personally.

    What I am trying to convey here is.......Do by all means write your letter, but don't play in "their court". Leave all the scriptural stuff out of it. Make your own rules and make them abide by them.

  • cofty

    That is very sensible advice. Its all too common to want to tell them about all the things you have discovered but its not the time or place.

    If possible everybody should handle this with the aid of a lawyer. I am delighted to hear you were successful in suing them. Its funny how they think they are above normal rules of behavior.

    Would it be possible to post a redacted copy of your lawyer's letter in case it helps others?

  • LostGeneration

    the amount of the settlement went back and forth for some 8 months

    The WT paid out on this? I respect that you probably don't want to disclose amounts, but more details on this would be interesting to hear.

    Also, interesting that this was seven years ago, anyone remember when they changed the announcement to "so and so is no longer a witness" instead of the old DF/DA wording.

  • TD

    Interesting! Thanks for sharing

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Hi Roberta!!! Good advice!!! By the time I wrote mine I didn't care what they thought of me

  • PaintedToeNail

    Roberta804-Welcome, sorry I didn't realize before this that you were here.

    I agree with cofty-would it be possible for you to post a redacted copy of your letter? I know I would find it very helpful. You were very wise to get legal help, it took the emotion out of the situation. Cudos to you and your attorney!


  • undercover

    don't play in "their court". Leave all the scriptural stuff out of it. Make your own rules and make them abide by them.

    Makes sense, if you think about it.

    We, dissillusioned JWs at the time, want to back up our position by showing, on WT terms, why we're right and they're wrong. At the time of early enlightment, we still haven't worked through all the issues of leaving and finding our way in the real world. We think we can make a case and maybe, in some small way, be vindicated.

    But it doesn't work that way. The WTS doesn't care. By extension, the elders don't care. They're going to follow the rules and just file the letter and read the name off at the next meeting. In essence, we've played right into their hand.

    Using a strictly legal format, leaving beliefs and religious hogwash out of it, it makes sense that one would stand a better chance at defeating the WTS from having your good name sullied about the congregation. Instead of being ostracized and whispered about, you just disppear, never to be seen or heard from again.

    Which, if that's the end result, why not just fade and save the money spent on a lawyer? (rhetorical question. I'm sure there are situations that this would actually come in handy, such as the OP's situation)

  • ABibleStudent

    cofty - Would it be possible to post a redacted copy of your lawyer's letter in case it helps others?

    Welcome (((((((Roberta804)))))))) to JWN. Ditto what cofty said.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ShirleyW

    I never did see a court room. My BIL was removed promptly, the amount of the settlement went back and forth for some 8 months. We sued the WBTS, the local KH and my bil personally.

    Love it, Love it, love it !!!!

    If only more of the XDubs did this! I see you and your husband are not ones to be played with! Hope some here learn by your example and step up to the plate like you did !!

  • ziddina

    Roberta804, thank you so much for posting this!! EXCELLENT advice!!

    Oh, and



    Zid - the board's She-Devil


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