I agree. Don't use the DA letter in order to give a 30 minutes public talk in writing. It should contain just 2-3 paragraphs, as the lawyer said. Mine had 3 phrases. You don't have to give explanations in the DA letter and they already know what's in the Bible. It must be firm and clear: you are out of their religion, you denounce any documents that tie you from their pole (the blood directive) starting from day x.
Important to put in your letter of DA
by Roberta804 62 Replies latest members private
Thank you all for the welcome and to Ziddina for the wonderful flowers. I do have a copy of my letter, my husband's was exactly the same. Let me get dinner over with, put all to bed and I will dig up that letter and post what is in it. It is a really very, very, simple letter, really nothing to it, with just enough legalize to scare an elder. The amount we settled on has to remain undisclosed, but let me say my son had no problems attending college. Be back later, everyone screeming for dinner!
Very interesting post, Roberta. I am curious though. You didn't want your name announced as DA'd from the platform? I think that announcement is one of the primary reasons I am contemplating sending an actual letter after 10 years.
I would LOVE to see what your Attorney wrote!! Please share. WOW
Ok, I found it! For privaticy I have omitted the salutation, dates and name of firm. The attorney I was with was actually a very good friend of my employer at the time, but he used his firm, and the firm's letter head for the letter. He charged me nothing as a favor to my employer. There are good people out there to help.
This law firm has been retained by "R" to remove her good name from your roster and all records on account of her wishes to no longer be a memeber of the Jehovah Witness religion. Per your request of my client, this letter will serve as "R" formal notification of her intent.
It is of great concern that it is your common practice to make formal announcements of this sort public in an effort to stop family and friends from ever asociating with her again, dispite the fact she desires this decision for her own person only. With this concern it is of great importance that you understand defamation of character is a serious offence punishable under both state and federal law. Therefore it is this firm's demand that any public or private discussion that demeans the good name of "R" either in the near or distant future will be met with legal action.
As with all cases, our goal is satisfaction of both parties if at all possible. We trust you understand that dissatisfaction for our client can only be experienced by purposeful, hurtful and unnessary action on your part.
That's it....so simple....and to think I spent a full week writing a 2 page rational for irrational people! Good luck to all and I do hope it works as well for you as it did for me. One other point...after an attorney letter has been sent, never, never accept a visit or phone call from the elders or anyone sent by them. Defer them to your attorney, keep them in your court and make them measure up to human beings. You be the one to not speak to them (and enjoy every second of it). Most importantly, remember, beliefs and religion has NOTHING to do with what the WBTS is trying to do to you. They only care about money and power and their ability to control you and those around you.
Oh, I like that....
Too bad my disassociation went so smoothly; I'd almost like to DA myself again, just to use that letter!!!
Welcome Roberta804 . . .
Great letter. I agree it is important to play by your own rules. For that reason I walked and never wrote at all . . . and feel no need to now 9 years later. I have no friends or family left in the cult and couldn't care less what they said or did however. Scriptual arguments, important as they seem to us (and cathartic perhaps) hit fresh air with them. Legal advice is a must for anyone writing a DA letter. Good on you for protecting your rights.
Question Roberta,
Did you sign the letter, or only the attorney? I think this makes a big difference in whether they actually would announce it anyway.
No I did not personally sign it, as all communication had to be though the attorney. By signing it myself would leave a window open for them to contact me legally.
Thank you Roberta I think your approach is exemplary and would create real problems for the borg if everybody followed it.