Psuedoscientific Things JWs Say

by LostGeneration 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LostGeneration

    I distinctly remember more than 30 years ago asking my Grandfather how all of the races came about after the flood.

    "Well, Noahs three sons were black, white, and Oriental, and thats how all of the races came to be"

    WTF, I thought to myself, even as a 9 year old kid. A few years later I remember sitting in the KH listening to the Sunday talk when the speaker went over the old "Water Canopy" theory, but of course presented it as fact. I incredulously asked my Dad after the meeting, "So it never, ever rained before Noah's day?" He hesitated a bit, but then affirmed that "Yes, indeed, that was the first time it ever rained."

    I still can't believe the WT trotted out the water canopy a few months back...

    What sort of bullshit science stories were you told by JWs?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    "We on only use 10% of our brain's capacity".

    Although maybe in the case of some JWs....

  • Londo111

    * Attributing everything in regard to the Ice Ages to the Flood.

    * At least in the 80's I remember arguing with my father in regard to creative days being 7000 years each. Thus life was supposedly on earth only tens of thousands of years, versus hundreds of millions.

    My father's response was to quote Job, "Where were you when I founded the Earth?"

  • LostGeneration

    Good one Mickey...I've heard that one too. Of course the JW argument was how great it was going to be in the new system when we could finally use all of our brain.

  • sir82

    The whole rigamarole about "kinds" vs. "species" to explain why Noah didn't need to take 300,000 species of beetles into the ark.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Trying to differentiate between blood 'components' and 'fractions'. It's all blood!

  • Miles3

    I still can't believe the WT trotted out the water canopy a few months back...

    LostGeneration, do you have a reference for that? Since I don't follow the articles closely, I must have missed it. I thought they didn't try to explain where the water came from anymore, or even try to solve the various impossibilities of the deluge, since each time they did they made themselves look like fools, and the water canopy is such a physical impossibility even a middle schooler could debunk it.

    Oh yes, the whole potato starch explanation of why fractions are allowed even though your mom told you not to touch the potatoes... and the fact they still don't want you to give your blood, must be thinking the blood fractions just appear miraculously in the drug factory?

    The denial of scientific datation methods even when multiple methods concur to the same dates, the fact that the whole world history is false because most civilisations would have been there before the flood...

    Recently, them shooting themselves in the foot in an Awake, explaining that the Neandertals were intelligent people and not monkeys, even though the hundreds of fossils all date from 50000-30000 BCE, long before Adam's creation.

    And that's not going into old Consolation and Awake articles and their whacko theories...

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    Trying to differentiate between blood 'components' and 'fractions'. It's all blood!

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I'm at work, so I don't have access to the WT CD Rom, but the older articles on Organ Transplants being equated to Cannibalism, and also blood transfusions becoming a facilitator to transfer the personality of the donor to the patient were classic. It was kinda like that old B-Movie, The Hand, where someone gets a hand transplant and the hand was from a murderer or something, and then the patient can't help but to kill people with the hand. Those old WT articles didn't even attempt to guise this belief by insinuation. Rather, those articles made it come across like a fact that criminal behavior and violence was increasing due to blood transfusions and organ transplants where the donor was a criminal or murderer. Yep, God's chosen mouthpiece on the Earth, printed that lunacy.

  • 2tone

    Kinda goes along with all the stupid faith building stories you hear out in service. Like the time this couple bought a mercedes of craigslist for 50 bucks. Sometimes I try not to blame the people in the religion for this idiotic stories or scientific things but they need to be held accountable to some extent.

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