How can all the races come from white, black, and Oriental? As I know, there are more than that. What about Native Indians? Eskimos had to have come from a different race, as Orientals trying to survive in the Arctic would have a miserable time in winter. And the Polynesians are distinctly different from Orientals or American Indians. I wonder how many Maori, Native American Indians, Aborigines, or Eskimos that statement would offend by leaving out.
They also leave out that some animals are simply left wild. True, one can befriend a lion--those things are basically pussycats that are a lot bigger. But, I would like to see them try that with a jaguar--which cannot be tamed. Or, try riding a zebra. One might be able to play with a cobra safely--try that with a black mamba or fer de lance snake, and see how long it takes to get bit. People have been able to catch Brazilian wandering spiders and keep them as pets--but, I challenge them to try a Sydney funnel web spider. There simply is no way you are going to be able to live at peace with every single species of animals out there.
And that rubbish that all the pro-evolution evidence will fit on a ping pong table. I could fit all the legitimate evidence for direct creation on that same ping pong table and leave room for playing a game of ping pong. There is no reasonable evidence that Jehovah directly created any species, nor did he use any angel or spirit slave to do the same. Rather, the most I would give him credit for is providing the energy and a simple irreducible law, and then letting things take their course--and then interfering every time anyone starts receiving genuine fulfillment in their lives.