I'm sorry, dear Moshe (peace to you!), but several statements you've made could very well constitute "legal advice". For example:
if you have a dependant child (some stipulations apply) under the age of 18 living in your home and you claim them on your tax return, you can get a social security check for them until they turn 18.
Only the SSA can determine and say, with certainty, that such children "can get" benefits. By your saying so, you are may be giving legal advice. You should have referred people to an SSA attorney to find out any rights they may have in this regard.
It will be 50% of your normal retirement age benefit amount- Two or more children will get you more- up to the maximum family amount- which might be less, if you have a spouse drawing off your earnings record.
Again, only the SSA can determine what benefits, if any, ANY child will receive, let alone "two or more." You, however, are not qualified to determine what percentage, even approximately, would be awarded. Only an attorney can help a family calculate any benefits they may be entitled to. You, then, should have referred readers to consult with an attorney.
if you know of anyone who fits in this category who isn't getting a check for their child, have them go to the SS office and apply, asap!
Again, you should have referred them to an attorney, preferable one knowledgeable in the area of SSA benefits.
I believe, they pay retroactive benefits.
This is a legal OPINION as to the potential legal benefits of others... and since you are NOT an attorney, your giving such opinion constitutes the "Unauthorized Practice of Law." Shame on you!
It's a common misconception that SS only pays a benefit for handicapped children, consequently many people fail to get the benefits they are legally entitled to.
Again, this is YOUR opinion... and that it's based on YOUR personal experience is IRRELEVANT. YOU don't know whether the misconception is common... or uncommon... and only an analysis of the statistics... which you have NOT cited here... can tell you that!
I am shocked... and appalled... that someone such as yourself... one who has actually gone to the SSA office and requested a printout... would share such information here! YOUR information is NOT the same as anyone else's and so there is no way that you can apply your situation to any others. Every applicant's case is different and there can be all kinds of nuances and extenuating circumstances so that only an ATTORNEY can really know what's going on. You, sir, should have consulted an attorney yourself! Just because YOU went down and know what MOST people can look forward to doesn't mean that applies for EVERYONE.
Your post, then, is irresponsible and has the potential to cause harm. For example, what if someone's under age 18 kids already receive SSA benefits through another parent? What if they're receiving SSI? There are all kinds of variable and factors to consider that are NOT always apparent and so ONLY an attorney should even be consulted on matters like this.
You are out of line... and don't know what the heck you're talking about. So... cut it out!
SA, on her own... leaving to try and dig her tongue out of her cheek...