Did Bradbury deserve the gold?

by Princess 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xander

    "a cunning, intentional, ozzie ploy to snatch victory. Inspired thinking."

    *snork*. Damnit, yeah, I forgot about those psychis Ozzies. Of *course* he stayed behind because he could see the accident before it happened. Of course, like the JWs, he couldn't see *exactly* when it would be - just 'soon', so he had to stay WAY THE HELL back to avoid it.

    How silly of me to doubt him, I stand corrected . Bradbury deserved the gold.

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • Princess

    I think that IF it was intentional (I'm not saying it was, only Bradbury knows for sure) it was brilliant. If it was an accident both times then the guy sure has luck on his side, hasn't he?


  • Hmmm

    Heard by Apolo Ono just before his dreams of three gold medals came crashing down: "Somebody set us up the bomb!"

    (inside geek joke)

  • Simon

    Yes he deserved the gold - he came across the line first and that is what counts ... not who was coming first 10 yards earlier!

  • Xander

    "set up us", actually. Crap, you got me Guilty as charged

    EDIT: After all, "you have no chance to survive make your time"

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • Princess

    But Simon, he was not the fastest skater, in fact he was the slowest.

    I suppose if they truly wanted it to be fair, with the fastest winning, they would race individually and time them.

    Must be part of the sport.


  • Hmmm

    "Set up us..." it is. I blame this danged Dvorak keyboard


  • ISP

    Hey the swift don't always win the race....or the mighty the battle....

    Sheesh you could do with going back to the meetings


  • Julie

    Hi Princess,

    Just look at in the light of that whole tortoise and the hare thing. lol I think it is a great stroke of irony and everyone involved seems to be pretty understanding of the way it works so no big deal.


  • Simon

    But he was the fastest! He came across the line first.

    Over the full distance of the course, he covered it in the quickest time.

    Yes, others went faster than him over some bits of it but that is not how the winner is determined.

    It reminds me of how football supporters makes claims about having more 'posession' when the aim of the game is simply to score more goals. Anything else is irrelevant.

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