My wife and I have a "Movie night" once a week where we watch two movies. She picks one and I pick one. Here's the two movies we watched tonight and their ratings.
1. The Andromeda Strain - 1971 (My pick)
Direct adaptation of a Michael Crichton novel. Pretty dated, but still fun. Movie opens with all but two in the fictional town of Piedmont Arizona laying dead in their tracks. Scenes include: People laying dead in the streets being picked at by birds. A woman laying dead in her living room, naked to her waist. A pre-teen girl laying dead on the floor still clutching a stuffed animal An elderly woman has hung herself in a stairwell and is gently swinging in the breeze.
Doctors Stone and Hall are curious why livor mortis has not set in. Stone takes a scalpel and deeply slits a man's wrist to reveal the fact that all his blood has turned to powder. ---Nothing too intense, especially by today's standards, but definitely not Disney stuff.
The movie is rated 'G'
2. Secretariat - 2010 (Her pick)
Mostly true story about Penny Tweedy and the racehorse that won the triple crown in 1973. There's a little bit of language, but no sex, no nudity and no violence. The movie is mostly about the horse and the people who worked with it.
The movie is rated 'PG'
Do these ratings make any sense at all?