Do Movie Ratings Make Any Sense to You?

by TD 13 Replies latest social entertainment

  • leavingwt

    It is basically impossible for violence to earn an NC-17 rating. Examples: Saving Private Ryan, Piranha 3-D, Inglourious Basterds (all R)

    Sexual content can easily earn an NC-17 rating, especially when frontal nudity and/or homosexuality are depicted.

  • GLTirebiter

    I think the studios deliberately include one or two technical violations or will edit a scene or two, just to get the rating they want for marketing purposes. Star Wars with all its sci-fi warfare gets a "G" rating. Iron man's comic-book fight scenes are comparable, but it gets a PG-13!

    (edit to add) No they don't make sense!

  • donuthole

    There are also studio concerns --

    G ratings are often not welcome by a studio unless the movie has strong family marketing appeal.

    Because teenagers are big movie consumers, the R rating too fell out of favor and PG-13 was pushed.

    In the US violence is more welcome than sex, so movies with violence are rated lower than movies with depictions of sex. You even see this with profanity.

    "I'm going to f**k you up with this desk!" - PG-13

    "I'm going to f**k you on this desk?" - R

  • movwills

    Movies ratings are very neccesories for the people who wants to watch movies, People always read the reviews of the movies is this movie interesting to watch or not?

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