Russia is facing the same dilemma that the dictators in the middle east have been facing.
In the middle east the leaders have tried to kill or at least beat up demonstrators. This hasn't worked.
Putin has been watching this and he has been opposed to the West getting involved. He no doubt knows what the consequences
could mean for him.
So what are Putin's options. He certainly could kill a lot of the people that are demonstrating. He could at least imprison all the opposition
leaders. But since he claims he is a democratic leader of a democratic country that option would totally discredit
everything he has accomplished and everything he has planned.
His one option is Diversionary War. Diversionary War is more common with democracies than autocracies. Repression is easy for autocrats but
hard for democrats. They create an incident and suddenly you have in-group cohesion.
This was done at the end of Yeltsin's administration. Yeltsin needed to resign before critical evidence of corruption was placed at his feet.
Apartment blocks started blowing up mysteriously. The blame was put on the Chechens although they never claimed responsibility. The second
Chechen war began - Yeltsin resigned and Putin took over as the strong leader who would hold Russia together by bringing the Chechens in line.
Most likely that wouldn't work again. Russia has beat up on everyone in the neighborhood and part of his future program involves wooing the
former Soviet States back into a Eurasian Union.
What if he detonated a small Nuke somewhere. United States, France, Germany? He could do that without blame. Even if the fallout had the
finger print of a Russian bomb he could simply say that the Russian Mafia probably sold a loose nuke to the Jihadists.
Would that be enough of a distraction to quiet the protesters when they see their Western benefactors struggling with such a huge crisis?
We could be entering a very dangerous period.