Not will, is, and has been. Surprised you hadn't noticed.
The US Will Become a Police State (not a joke)
by metatron 113 Replies latest jw friends
I did read the bill, and I do find it scary. Even bad americans have the right to a trial by jury. It's the foundation of the US justice system. Also, that is only the Senate Bil. The House Bill doesn't include the wording, and the compromise bill probably won't because Obama has threatened to veto it.
wha happened?
If Canada waits long enough, we'll bankrupt ourselves in medical care to all the idiots who cared little for their health and made the fast food industry what it is today.
John McCain's asshole needs to get acquainted with my Mossberg 590A1.
No one has ever spoken truer words than those of George Carlin above.
We love you and may you rest in peace George.
Down with these Old World Order bastards!
So the US, after OPENLY kidnapping citizens of other countries now passes a bill.
US citizens are not liable to arbitrary arrest and indefinite imprisonment - so everything is OKAY??
What about the powers they are voting on to arrest citizens of other countries no matter where? Are non- US citizens second class human beings? Apparently so.
This is what is going to happen eventually throughout the world. And now, the bill intended to allow people to be detained without due process has passed the Senate 93-7, and will (not might, WILL) pass the House and be signed into law by president Osama Obama. I expect that, once Perry gets installed by the Rothschilds and their bankers, he will be the one to actually invoke the rubbish contained therein. You will be a "potential terrorist" if you
- Own guns
- Stock up on food and supplies
- Own land, and are able to live off the control grid
- Own gold and silver (which is the real purpose for the 1099 forms, not for tax purposes)
- Have unusual religious beliefs
- Have left unusual religious beliefs behind
- Are missing fingers
- Photograph public areas
- Support or vote for any candidate that supports the Constitution
- Protest anything--even by writing your congresspeople urging them to not pass a bill
- Are against living like cattle in confined animal feed lots
And, if you fit one or more of those categories, you are bound to be hauled off to a military prison, to disappear.
It's not just here--Australia has passed their version of the carbon tax, and New Zealand even has a 400 page bill full of rubbish to make growing food a privilege to be doled out by the government. But, at least they have the Treaty of Waitangi to contend with--any attempt to enforce it in New Zealand will be met with resistance from the Maori under this treaty. And the Australia carbon tax is much more likely to be questioned than the United Tyranny of Stupidity's decisions to
- Regulate energy, creating a fake energy crisis
- Print the US dollar to the point of creating hyperinflation
- Creating a famine by imposing price controls and regulating dust, among other stupid regulations
- S-510 and S-3767, both passed by attaching the 2,000 pages of rubbish to another "must pass" bill
- Osama ObamaCare, containing 2,000 pages of rubbish
- Section 9006 in Osama ObamaCare, imposing 1099 forms on people for spending more than 600 toilet papers on any one business per tax year
- Mandatory flu shots forthcoming
- Mandatory doctor visits every 6 months, with mandatory filling of prescriptions and taking your medications, forthcoming
- Anyone that is against this in any way is a "terrorist"
- Martial law
- Initiating the deluxe version of Agenda 21, where rather than living in tiny apartments, we live in Confined Human Feed Lots.
And no Maori, no Treaty of Waitangi, no nothing.
I wonder how people that live in real police states view comments that we are living in a police state.
I lived in Jeddah, Saudia Arabia from 1976-1979 - Is that close enough?