A Small Gift To You. (I hope...)

by AllTimeJeff 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • JRK

    Thank you.

    The one gift I can give to anyone leaving is: Reevaluate EVERYTHING! Start with: Is the sky blue?


  • cantleave

    Back at you.

    Great post.

  • QuestioningEverything

    Wonderful post! Thlank you for that.

  • AGuest

    A great "gift," dear ATJ, thank you! The greatest of love and peace to you... and yours... now and always!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • undercover

    Thanks, Jeff... I enjoyed your gift.

    I feel like I'm in the final scene in "It's a Wonderful Life"...

    It's a xmas present from a very dear friend of mine

    "Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends."

  • lifestooshort

    Thak You. I particularly like the thoughts you shared about failure. That is one area that I tend to beat myself up with. I have started to change how I feel about failure.

  • CuriousButterfly

    Excellent post that I took to heart. Trying not to cry at work but your words of wisdom hit a cord. Thank you

  • ziddina

    Thank you very much, All Time Jeff!!!

    This is one of the best Chistmases EVER!!!

    "and God bless us all, every one!"

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hi everyone. In the over 5 years I have been out of this sickness, I have been mostly focused on the negative. I have tried at times to be positive, but wasn't able to pull it off. I feel I have turned a corner, so I don't mind sharing some of the lessons I learned along the way with you.

    There isn't a lot to like in life after JW's, unless you embrace change. I wish I had reached out when I first left. Trying to go it alone wasn't wisdom, but I didn't possess the ability to trust. I have expanded my inner circle, and it has really helped.

    While anger at JW's is understandable, you can't stay there.

    Experiencing failure as you start over is inevitable. Expect it and embrace it.

    If you want to be happy again (or for the first time ever) don't hang around angry or bitter people. Acknowledge where you are. Look for happy people. Try to make them your friends. Learn from them.

    It isn't as easy as reading this. It's taken me 5 years or so to get to this point. So don't give up. But don't just exist.


    Ok? Then it isn't AllTimeJeff, some anonymous poster on JWN telling you this. Believe me, you can help yourself. You can be yourself and you can discover yourself. Don't spend so much time rehashing and reliving your JW past that you miss the opportunity you have to grow and move forward and move on.

    Other than all that?? I just wanted to say hi. :)

    Happy Holidays!

  • LostGeneration

    I missed this somehow the first time through!

    I hope to be in where you are in time. Its a process, thats for sure. A very inspirational post, thank you for taking the time to write it.

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