U.S. Officially Ends Its Mission In Iraq

by Bangalore 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore
  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    8.5 years. When it started I expected it to last at least 10. I know people complain that it was too long but I disagree. I think the US did as good a job as can be expected there.

  • truth_b_known

    I give Iraq 6 months before islamic extremists destroy all progress and send them back to the stone age.

  • designs

    How long were the Catholics and Protestants at war with each other. Sunni and Shite Muslims need to figure out how to bury centuries old feuds and live together in the 21st century. With Saudia Arabia decapitating a human for witchcraft you realize how the problems in Islamic countries are going to take a very long time to improve.

    My generation went war in Vietnam, some of the guys I went to High School with either died over there or came back complete nut cases. We need to provide jobs and health care for the returning Vets.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    There are no jobs. That's why many of them signed up in the first place.

    Things are going to get worse domestically before they get better, sad to say.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    8.5 years, and countless dead, crippled, mentally damaged, and debts, all over a lie.

  • designs

    You know Lyndon Johnson was a multi-millionaire from the Vietnam War (construction company assigned to rebuild the bridges US planes blew-up). How many of Bush's buddies made Millions off of the lives and limbs of our young men and women in Harm's Way.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Just like the US officially ended its mission in Korea...........over 50 years ago?


  • leavingwt
  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Well Donny, I guess Oil, commercialism and world domination aren't hindered too much by partisanship.

    Check out these figures..........


    "Nearly 4,500 Americans died and some 32,000 were wounded during the war in Iraq, winding down this month as the last American troops withdraw."

    Not to mention the untold amount of NHI* that died.

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