March 15, 2012 WT on now

by Gayle 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • sir82

    Gotta love page 16...

    "Why do so many people believe in evolution? Not because of the preponderance of indisputable scientifc facts - oh no, it's because they are all selfish greedy irresponsible b*stards. Only selfish greedy irresponsible b*stards believe in evolution."

  • undercover

    Interesting that it says that "Mankinds survival is threatened as never before" and then keeps that fear mongering amped up on the dubbies by hinting that the world can be blown up by terrorists who possess stolen nuclear weapons.

    But - according to WT doctrine the threat to man's survival comes not from terrorists or nuclear weapons. It comes from Jehovah. If people don't worship him as the WTS tells them to then he's gonna wipe em out. 99+% of the population will be wiped out by his "war".

  • yourmomma

    so does that mean that just watching normal porn is not a DFing matter? wow, that could open the flood gates, lol

  • sir82
    so does that mean that just watching normal porn is not a DFing matter? wow, that could open the flood gates, lol

    Interesting - yes this article may well backfire on them.

    Their intention was to put the "fear of God" into the undoubtedly 80+% of male JW teens & young adults who watch porn, but primarily all the article does is reassure them that watching "plain vanilla" porn is not a DF offense.

    JWs, especially kids, are so jaded and used to leading a double life and seeing how much they can get away with without getting "in trouble", that this is basically a green light to watch as much as they want.

  • Magwitch

    You can do anything you want because you will not be called to account
    .....Spot on GB....How did you find out the real meaning behind


  • Magwitch
    Shun vigorously all pornography

    Should they really be using the word vigorously when referring to porn?

  • leavingwt

    "Should they really be using the word vigorously when referring to porn?"

    Good one!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    This mag is all over the place. On one hand, u have the old school warning about 1914 etc etc, and now they also jump on porn with a weird twist. I thought any amountof porn was a no no but someohow they managed to put a limit on it? I dunno, it's all over the place

  • LostGeneration

    Well technically any amount of p0rn is a no-no for JWs. What this tells me is that more and more JWs are getting into some real freaky stuff. So freaky that the elders are passing it up the line to the COs and in turn to headquarters. Since DFing is their "big stick" they decided to go ahead and threaten the rank and file with shunning if they are dabbling in this stuff.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    so lets see here, how can we break it down.....

    DFing offenses:

    threesomes, orgies, same sex, or sex with a catholic

    loose conduct:

    Fuzzy handcuffs, porn, tantric sex, leather, whips, sex with a protestant

    Conscience matters:

    choking the chicken


    No marraige , sex, or any independence of thought outside the WT

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