Sure, they are cracking down on certain types of porn. I can understand the certain forms of porn that are illegal, namely kiddie porn (which shouldn't even be produced in the first place because they are exploiting children, using threats and extortion, to produce it). But, viewing XXX-rated material (or R-18) is not necessarily going to create a problem that didn't already exist.
And, what about that rubbish about having to explain in detail what happened during a judicial committee hearing? Couldn't "I almost did it but realized how stupid it was" or "I did it a few times before realizing how stupid it was" be enough? Do the hounders really need to know how close it was, or the exact acts, so they can make a decision? To me, that is as bad as reading a porn story.
And worse, what about the hounders that, during a hounding call, pull a child aside, molest that child, and then threaten that child with disfellowshipping if they report it to anyone else? That, to me, is as bad as the people producing the kiddie porn (though they don't distribute it, the damage is done by producing it). Not a peep about disfellowshipping that kind of scumbags, never mind getting them reported to the police.