...why do people choose to fade over just sending in a letter?
In your opinion...
by iamwhoiam 15 Replies latest jw friends
I would say (IMHO, of course, dear Iam (peace to you!)), either (1) because they don't wanna deal with usual and most certainly to come BS "fallout"; (2) don't want to make it so loved ones "can't" deal with them any longer; or (3) they just don't give a hoot enough to do so. All are valid, again IMHO. Personally, they had to throw me out. I wouldn't settle for anything less (John 16:2).
A slave of Christ,
Number one reason: Family
For me ... # 3
They became a big JOKE to me ... what's the point of dealing with a joke ...
Don't want to lose family, AND want to be available in contact when family begins to open their eyes.
I did not send a letter of disassociation. The reason why is they don't care. I believe God does not care that they think I am still a part of them. Their rule is to disassociate one's self from Babylon the Great which they say is false religion. They are false, but it's their rule. If my salvation depends on a letter, I choose to die, thank you very much. Anyone can send a letter, not much of a test for salvation in my humble opinion.
No Room For George
Family, the WT's trump card.
want to keep some important relationships alive
charlie brown jr.
I never gave a letter or as long as I know .... ever DF'd........
I wouldn't waste the ink to write them...........
or even talk to them.......
but I agree many I knew did it for Family.
breakfast of champions
Family. Even at that, at times this is quite trying.