Anti-Apostate blog has fascinating articles, photos and opinions!

by Terry 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has decided (Oct., 2000) that the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, etc. in the legal corporations (e.g., Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.,) do not have to be filled by anointed brothers. Therefore, all of the brothers that were currently holding these positions, all of whom were on the Governing Body, have resigned. Brothers of the other sheep have replaced them.

    This is one of the most fascinating blogs I've ever come across. You could spend hours reading all about the history of Pastor Russell, the origins of the

    Watchtower, the controversies, Rutherford, scandals, etc. Also, a great many seldom seen photos are preset as well.

    Considerable discussion of APOSTATES is presented. All of which is nothing less than well-written and thoughtfully presented: FROM A PRO-WATCHTOWER point of view!

    I think most of it will create a great deal of controversy. But, we have minds of our own, don't we?

    You may have to cut and paste the link below:
  • NewChapter

    Well thanks Terry---I can barely pull my eyes away from this---and yet I can't even articulate what I am thinking! LOL He is observing apostates like an anthropologist observes a tribe.


  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Something I find amusing about apostate bashing is, if you believe that the WT is in fact Jehovah's organization, and that none of the thoughts put forth by apostates are worth debating, then why are WT apologists so obsessed with apostates? This website, and DJEggnog, amongst others were thoroughly obsessed with what goes on at this and other apostate outlets. The hate towards Ray Franz was always fascinating too. He never did anything to these WT apologists, but boy do they hate him.

  • NewChapter

    LOL! Simon got mentioned by name!

  • NewChapter

    "was very sad at the way that the telephone salute to the memory of Ray Franz went on last night. I had suggested to Richard Rawe that he take people who were to speak in alphabetic order and limit them to from 5 to 10 minutes. Unfortunately, Richard paid no attention to the clock and permitted the first three speakers to talk for over an hour. The result was that many of the individuals who were scheduled to speak simply became unavailable. Then Richard went in to a long statement about getting various persons interviews before inviting Rosalie or me on to speak. Ultimately, I broke in, spoke for a few minutes, then went to bed. Whether Rosalie or others ever made it on to the call-in program or not, I don't know. I was so upset at people talking on and on about everything but the memory of Ray Franz that I just couldn't take it any more. I know I am becoming more grumpy as the years go by, but frankly I don't know why people can't limit themselves a bit. After all, the purpose of such a program should have been to honor Ray's memory, not to tell about ourselves. "Let your words be few" is a good biblical maxim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."


    Okay, now this was just funny, because beside this paragraph was a pic of a street sign that said: "No Whining Allowed".

  • undercover

    someone is a froot loop short of a full bowl of cereal...

  • Terry

    Lots of history there along with the pontificating.

    I'm curious about the blog writer. I think I'll contact him and see what he has to say....

  • sd-7
    These people love the man and seem to read his books more then they read the Bible.

    The above was said regarding Ray Franz. Now I can't speak for anyone else, but I only ever read his books one time, whereas I've read the Bible four times and I continue reading the Bible. This kind of statement seems out of touch with reality.

    For whatever reason, the person writing this seems to be willing to look the other way as far as very real wrongs committed by the Society while justifying his own position by saying, in short, that the Bible warns against actually wanting proof for your own beliefs or testing your beliefs to see if they're right. It's more important to just shut up and declare a false view with everyone else than to risk 'creating dissent'. I'm sure the Society has time and again praised people who did that when the Catholic Church was involved.

    So, because a sociologist says that "apostates" need to feel better about themselves, therefore they make up stuff? How about that? When you boil it down, what this amounts to is a glorified version of attacking the character of individuals who happen to disagree.

    I'm very aware that many experiences Ray Franz related can't be verified by me personally; however, I can chuck every single one of them and use only Watchtower literature and still reach the same conclusion: there's a serious problem here, and it's time to get out.

    It's certainly a pretty strong attempt, but suffers from the same logical fallacies as the WT literature does.


  • sir82

    That website is like a trainwreck. Can't....look....away......

  • NewChapter

    Sir---I feel your pain. It's comical in one sense because it is one big long whine fest--yet he calls US the whiners. Sure we whine, but we know it. LOL

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