How my family is doing after my being disfellowshipped!

by TimothyT 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TimothyT

    Since being disfellowshipped, i have gotten in touch with many gay JWs and have listened to them and tried my best to help them in whatever ways i can. Its crazy because i see that i had it easy. Some of the pressure they have gone through is immense. They are really brave. For me it was a little easier.

    When I was disfellowshipped, i was outed by a brother who thought he was doing the right thing. Fair enough. However he also got my brother in trouble, who has since stopped going alltogether. My dad likewise saw such hypocrisy with they JWs that he also stopped going. We often chat about the bible and its clear to me that the JWs have a VERY warped view of the bible. For example, Jesus spoke about unconditional love, yet the JWs wont even look at me, he spoke about not straining out the gnat, yet the JWs pick up on even the slightest little things. In any event, wether i feel i was wrong is totaly irrelevant. I realy dont care.

    However, the brother who outed me sent a text to my brother the other day telling him that he wishes to help him with his meeting attendence. He also said that the invite also extends to my dad. HAHA! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT? HEHE... Firstly he understands that my brother has purposely tried to limit comms with him since causing him a bit of trouble those months ago, but also he doesnt seem to understand that my brother and dad DONT care anymore. What is he trying to do?

    Its interesting though, because he had very few friends except our family, who he has since alienated. One sister who still speaks to me told me that he has become quite sanctimonious. What a very odd way to become. Its clear to me, as im sure it is with many of you, that these people generaly love to play God, judging others. The thing that gets me though is how they the bible EXPRESSELY condemsn that. Its just so baffling. They cant even see it.

    Anyway... im happy, and so is my family. Thats what is important to us.

    Hope you are all ok! :smile:

    Timmy xxx

  • nugget

    The brother has become sanctimonious to justify to himself why he betrayed his friends. He has received much positive reinforcement from the elders that he did the right thing and now he is trying to build bridges but doing so in such a way as to say he was right. It is what jws are taught and though sad is what they do. It is great that your family are walking away from the religion and finding a new path. It is a time when love and support of those that truly love them is more important than guilt ridden overtures from those that are still trapped.

  • TimothyT

    Spot on Nugget. Im now training to be a counsellor in order to help those who suffered things similar to me. As Freud would put it, its all about justification and making up for the things you did wrong by trying desperatly to prove they were right. :smile:

    How are you? x

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hey Timmy!

    This "friend" of yours is in a cult. He looks to Brooklyn for salvation. God is a complete stranger to him. His superior attitude is similar to what is portrayed of the scribes and pharisees.

    I'm doing well. I have a cheezy grin plastered on my face after finishing the semester with 2 As and 2 Bs. Not a perfect 4.0, but after this killer semester, I'll take it.

  • PSacramento

    How can they see their hypocracy and their errors Tim? How can they see with a beam in their eye?

    That beam will be there forever untill that allow Christ to remove it.

    Glad that you and your family are doing well :smile:

  • TimothyT

    Thanks Billy. You always had an ability to sum things up so well. Im glad you did well on your course. Well done. I blitz'd one of my assingments for college too. Ive submitted a uni assignment. I wonder how i do! Nervous!

    Youre right PSacramento. Its odd isnt it. What Jesus said was so true. People truly cant see their own problems... they much rather but in with the probs of others. Thanks. Hope you are well! :smile:

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Isn't it interesting that they think that friendships can be compartmentalized? This guy thinks he can pursue a relationship with your family and exclude u. Ironically it's this type of behavior that woke your family up to their hypocracy. Well the truth is the truth, and the truth of this is that they don't have the truth. Just a cult with bizarre rules. Enjoy your newly found freedom. I hope your family does the same

  • TimothyT

    Thanks Whahappened! It is very wierd.

    We came up with lots of possible scenarios too on what may happen if my dad and bro accept his offer. Most of them are me just joking around saying stuff like, ill meet him instead. He snubbed in the street a few months back. It was hilarious. Am i that repulsive? HAHA!

    The ironic thing is, he messages me brother, who has made it abundantly clear after everything that he wants little to do with him anymore. Yet im here, disfellowshipped, yet, id love to know how this brother is getting on and have a chat, yet he wont even look at me. Lol.

    So warped its actualy funny. Its sad too! But like i said, we are too happy. Just want to report to you all how crazy these people are (nopt that you need me to tell you that)!


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well if u decide to show up in lieu of the family, a nice pair of assless chaps will make a fine impression

  • Fernando

    Hey Timmy! Good to bump into you again - love your positive spirit as always. Anyways, what were we ourselves thinking when we mindlessly let the "god of religion" teach us about the "god of Abraham" year after year? Greetings & blessings to you and your family on your journeys in freedom, grace, peace and fulfilment.


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