*** w01 6/15 p. 24 Be Joyful With the Kingdom Hope! **(Gilead Graduation)*
Following Brother Barber’s opening remarks, Don Adams addressed the audience, including the 48 graduating students, on the subject “The Blessing of Jehovah Makes Us Rich.” Basing his talk on Proverbs 10:22, he reminded the audience that Jehovah sustains and blesses his servants when they put Kingdom interests first in their lives. He encouraged the students to accept their new assignments with the same willing spirit that the apostle Paul displayed when he was invited to “step over into Macedonia and help.” (Acts 16:9) Although there were difficulties to overcome, Paul’s willingness to preach where he was directed resulted in many joyful blessings.
*** w96 12/1 p. 21 The 101st Class of Gilead—Zealous for Fine Works ***
Following those opening remarks, Don Adams of the Executive Offices at Brooklyn headquarters was introduced. He spoke on the subject “Moving Forward, Not Backward.” Brother Adams drew attention to the Gilead School itself and its purpose—to extend the preaching of the good news to foreign lands.
*** w82 11/15 p. 27 New Missionaries Urged: “Stay Loyal!” ***
The students were given their diplomas, and the chairman adjourned the program for lunch. Then, at 2:15 p.m., a study of the current Watchtower magazine was conducted by Don Adams, of the Bethel Home Committee, with the students giving the comments.
*** w80 6/1 p. 27 Graduates with a Vital Commission ***
By means of slides taken in the 11 countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America to which the 45 graduates were being sent, Don Adams acquainted them with what they could expect. In the respective assignments “the harvest is great, but the workers are few.” (Matt. 9:37) Hence, the graduates definitely are needed.
*** w57 8/15 p. 506 Part 4—Rounding the World with the Vice President ***
The trip southward to the site of the Taiwan national convention of Jehovah’s witnesses was by gasoline train and was very interesting. Though it was the middle of winter, the farmers were in the process of harvesting sugar cane. Melons, papaya, bananas, peanuts and many other useful fruits of the good earth could be seen growing in abundance. Some distance down the line we passed by Fuyuan, where a one-day assembly was held in April of 1956, when the Society’s president N. H. Knorr and his secretary, Don Adams, visited the island and 1,808 witnesses of Jehovah and persons of good will attended and 123 were immersed in Christian baptism.
*** yb05 p. 196 Guyana ***
On January 14, 1988, Brooklyn representative Don Adams, serving as zone overseer, delivered the dedication talk.
*** yb96 p. 165 Mozambique ***
Near the beginning of 1985, members of the O.N. Committee, as they had done every year, left Milange to meet with the zone overseer, who had been sent out by the Governing Body. Don Adams was there from Brooklyn. In a meeting that included the Branch Committees of Zambia and Zimbabwe, the members of the O.N. Committee presented their concerns in relation to the Circle of Carico.
A total of 20 mentions of Don Adams, who seems started out as Knorr's secretary in the 50's