Looking for examples of how the Watchtower usurps Jesus position.
by Indian Larry 36 Replies latest watchtower bible
1. There's a WT article (sorry, I can't ind the citation offhand) that invites people to come to Jehovah's organization for salvation. Perhaps someone here will have the exact reference.
2. They are always misquoting Peter's, "To whom else shall we go?" question to mean that there is nowhere to go but the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
3. The whole faithful and discreet slave / God's organization concept supplants Jesus by claiming that he put the WTS in charge of his earthly affairs until Armageddon. Even after that, he supposedly will be ruling the earth through 144,000 "anointed" JWs. JWs are far more worried about what the organization thinks than about what Jesus thinks.
WT, November 15, 1981, p. 21: "... the witness yet includes the invitation to come to Jehovah's organization for salvation..."
In How To Rescue Your Loved One from the Watchtower, David Reed says (p. 139): "Commanding his [a JW's] unquestioning obedience, the organization became his lord; promising him salvation, it became his savior; and giving him a relationship with God, it became his mediator. It was, however, a counterfeit. All of these titles and functions properly belong to Jesus Christ."
Wayward Son
I had no idea. This has been a learning experience.
still thinking
Hi Wayward Son
I read on a thread here somewhere that WTS have substituted WTS with Jehovah. So any decision is from Jehovah not men. Really?
Az - having a little too much chrisie cheer.
I think graphically speaking, their very own organization chart does a good job of demonstrating how they've usurped Jesus' position. I do find it interesting that 'Publisher' doesn't even make it on this chart -- EPIC FAIL :