Women - what the hell do you guys want for Christmas?!?!?

by sinis 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • sinis

    Purses, shoes, clothing... oh my... or OMG!!! If she gets anymore of that stuff I'll have to move out!!! j/k ;)

    So much... my brain is about to blow. Damn, this is hard!!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    how about a charitable donation to a cause she is close to in her name

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    If youre feeling creative, why not make her some vouchers which she can redeem from you at her leisure? It will give her a laugh if nothing else!

    This voucher entitles you to an hour massage from me

    This voucher entitles you to a 3 course meal cooked by me

    This voucher entitles you to stay away from the sink for a whole week

    This voucher entitles you to a bubble bath and glass of champagne

    This voucher entitles you to breakfast in bed

    This voucher entitles you to a new haircut/colour

    This voucher entitles you to the remote control for a week!

    This voucher entitles you to a cinema date with me, film your choice....

    You get the idea..Im sure you can think of better ones...Merry Xmas x Paula x

  • FlyingHighNow

    Can you still have a star named after her?

    Can you plan a menu, shop for the ingredients, pick out beautiful music and cook a meal together with wine or beer and mixed drinks and music going? Then take a drive to look at the lights and come home to a fire, spiked nog and then give her a gift that is meaningful to her? A movie she loved as a little girl? Something that touches her sentiment and history?

  • Hortensia

    yeah, everyone has too much stuff. I told my husband I'd like a meal out or a trip instead of stuff. His complaint was that if I wanted something, I would just go buy it, so he didn't know what to get me. We settled on a short trip every January to see the elephant seals on the coast. Something for him -- fishing -- and something for me -- the coast.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Where do you live? I'd love ballet, opera, or rock concert tickets. Broadway, off-Broaday, wine tastings, fine restaurant. Weekend away.

    As I mature, I want an experience over things. Museum membership. In NY, almost all the groups have guilds that raise money for the org and have functions to educate about their work. I had a subscription through the New York City Opera. The rich people were in the main guild. They ran boring events. A friend and I joined the youth guild and received a substantial discount. After every performance, the opera stars stopped by our coffee and dessert. I would not believe they were the same people who held everyone enthralled. Every year we talked the surrounding restaurants to donate massive amounts of food. Every person who worked on the opera, including the bathroom matrons, were invited.

    The stars loved our spunk. They made a point of coming to our events before the main guild. Something similar must exist. I'd talk to some opera star about her hair or something. The review was in the NYT's the next morning.

    Every city must have something.

    Was she upset with the quality of the spa or the idea of a spa? I cannot stomach salons/spas where the professionals look the way I do when I walk in the place.

    Better department stores and boutiques have personal shoppers. You could always blame the gift on the shopper.

  • Nice_Dream

    A love note or poem to go with the tickets? Chocolates, a book or CD she wants?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I'd love a love note. It would not matter if it were copied from a famous source.

  • juni

    Tickets to a concert along with a poem composed by you telling her what she means to you.


  • juni

    Sorry nice dream.... didn't see your post. I clicked on the second page and then posted.

    We must think alike.

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