My review of 2011 - the mad, the obscure, the outrageous, the terrible...

by cedars 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magwitch

    Thank you so much Cedars! Spot like usual

  • iamwhoiam

    Great work Cedars!!!

  • cedars

    Magwitch and iamwhoiam - thanks for that!

    wannabefree - that's a good point. I automatically and mistakenly assume that the Watchtower "must" have ramped up the pressure with its rhetoric this year, but of course, I wasn't reading the publications in a truly objective way in the previous years. I will therefore read your thread with interest to see what I missed in 2010. Thanks!


  • iCeltic

    Cedars - when you see it written down like this it almost leaves me speechless...almost! I'll need to take note of all these quotes.

    Thanks for these.

  • punkofnice

    I'm not sure if this 'qualifies' to be in the 2011 list as it'll be 'studied'(TM) next year......

    Elders Should Slaughter Apostates - Study Edition of the Watchtower, Nov 11, 2011:

  • cedars

    Punkofnice - I've included all articles that were released or published this year, irrespective of when they are studied (or how they are dated).

    You're right, the "slaughter of apostates" article probably merits a place on the list. However, as you know, it's been discussed at length on this forum and the Society say just enough in the article to cover themselves. To my recollection, the most distasteful aspect of the article was not the "slaughter of apostates" quote itself, but the way in which the author's words were taken completely out of context.


  • punkofnice

    cedars -

    the way in which the author's words were taken completely out of context.

    That's a subject all it's own!

    the Society say just enough in the article to cover themselves.

    Yeah, but we know what they are implying!

    These forums are the only link I have to what's being said in the rags or from the platform these days. I rarely look at the dublications anymore........I can't bear them.

    Mrs Punk has the 'examining the scriptures daily' (TM) open and underlined each day. I sometimes glance at it out of morbid curiosity and the propaganda and control leaps out at me. It's 'truly diabolical' (To quote Dr Terror's House of Horrible)

  • cedars

    Punkofnice - I'm with you 100%, and I personally can't stand the way the Society gets the more unsavoury side of its message across using "experiences" and "implications" rather than just saying it overtly. We all know why they do this, and that's to keep themselves free from blame and lawsuits. In some cases (such as the domestic abuse experience) the implication is much clearer, so it's easier to raise awareness. However, the particular article that you've mentioned "implies" in one paragraph that Jehu was right to slaughter apostates, and then a few paragraphs later this is contradicted when it says that elders would never take similar action today. It's therefore difficult to make a case against it to the average Witness, despite the fact that you and I well know that in such instances the Society has still managed to get its 'subliminal' message across whilst conveniently dodging any reprisals.

    I also find it hard to read the literature, because so much of it is rhetoric and mind control. However, I manage to tolerate reading it for just long enough to get through a Watchtower magazine from cover to cover in 20 minutes or so. If it's easier for you to read the "highlights" on this forum, then that would probably be the best thing for you!


  • punkofnice

    'Mentally Diseased Apostate'(TM) gets my biggest vote.

    In fact I now use the letters 'M.D.A.' after my name as a badge of honour.

    I think we should hand out MDA diplomas!

    Regards Paolo Punk MDA.

  • wannabefree

    I have to say, I knew the term "mentally diseased" had been used in the past so I wasn't too suprised, but after doing research on the term in Watchtower Library, the way it was used in the article this year seems to be to a new extreme and intentional loaded language. In the past, the magazines almost always used the term in the context of ...

    (1 Timothy 6:4) . . .being mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words. . .

    the wording the NWT may be harsh using "mentally diseased", but in its context it is certainly less offensive than the Watchtower of 2011.

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