Why would god create animals that he finds disgusting and unclean??

by highdose 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • highdose

    I'm thinking of the pig here, a creature supposeedly created by god, a perfect god. Why would god create a creature that then had to be avoided and kept away from??

    And why then change his mind later deciding that suddenly they weren't disgusting afterall and lets all have a bacon sarnie?!!

    why go to all that trouble of creating a disgusting creature? why not just create another creature that was more acceptable?

  • cofty

    According to Genesis god told Noah..

    "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things" - Gen 9:3

    Then he changed his mind and said some of the animals could not be eaten after all, then as you pointed out, he changed his mind back again.

    If god exists I think he has ADHD

  • cantleave

    God loves F*cking with your mind!

  • Desilusionnee

    Good question...I often wonder why those questions never came to my mind as I was still in. I now sometimes have the feeling I was really stupid!!!


  • mrsjones5

    God made an oopsie?

  • ziddina

    "he" was "tacking" with the wind, and 'zigged' when he oughta 'zagged'...

  • wannabefree

    perhaps you are just ... (1 Timothy 6:4) . . .being mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words.. . .

  • jgnat

    • Unclean for mankind, remember. I think bear gallbladders, bush meat, and rhino steaks should go on the "disgusting and unclean" list too.
    • The idea of prohibition, ritual, ritual washing, is not so much the elements of the ritual or prohibition itself, but the act of restraint. As I read a jewish man explain it, man is not that very far from the animals. It is these small acts that reminds us not to descend to ravening wolves, ripping flesh to satisfy a base craving.

    Nothing wrong with the pig.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Yeah, this was another one.

    For me, this falls into the category of "Stupid Shit People Make Up," not divine revelation.

  • PSacramento

    IF we assume tha writers of the Pentateuch were variosu writers writing for different people ( the yahwist, the elohist, the priestly writer, etc) PERHAPS what we have is a class of animals fit for the consumption of all for survival and a seperate class fit for sacrifice and atonement.

    Lets not forget that, as Christ said, it isn'r what goes IN but what comes OUT the condems a man.

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