I would like to think that people will be able to see through the deceit of many a religious leader, and also that things are not just the way we were all told they were. But I don't think that will happen in our lifetime. Or in many lifetimes.
I used to believe that secularization would proceed and that religion would lose more and more ground as time went by. That is not the case.
I'm currently reading "God's Revenge", by French author Gilles Kepel (http://www.amazon.com/Revenge-God-Resurgence-Christianity-Judaism/dp/0271013141/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1324515289&sr=8-8). Mr. Kepel shows the way that the three Abrahamic religions are fighting back, and they are winning.
Mr. Kepel says that the Oral Roberts and Jim Bakker of this world touch the faithful and give him or her something that secular minds do not fully comprehend. People are given the idea that God has created a direct channel to them. They may be old, destitute, they may belong to a minority, they may be sick, whatever, but the pastor gives them the feeling that they matter. And secularism just cannot give that. Just compare the idea of being no more than a speckle in the universe to the idea of having a loving father who is personally and individually interested in you. He sees your every act and decided to die for you so you would be saved.