ok jw teaching aside, can you see a time coming when religon will cease to exist?

by highdose 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I don't think humans are capable of not inventing gods and goddesses.

    That always seems to lead to a priest class asserting themselves as go betweens and thus religion is born over and over.

    From stone age to 21st century its been the same old same old.

    I think a time will come when the powers that be may try and may succed in crushing divisive religions such as Islam and Christianity. But they will never stop people from having private 'gods'...and sooner or later it will all start again i guess.


  • Qcmbr

    I can see a time when religion ceases to be about magic and is replaced by a humanist philosophy. The rising generation in general are bored with traditional religion which cannot compete with Hollywood or Potter. As the religious position is logically deconstructed in public (something that last really happened with Darwin - and look what a revolution that brought) then fewer and fewer intelligent people will hold to faith and it will become, as it should, even more a preserve of the uneducated and credulous.

    Legislation will eventually be demanded that will neuter the evil within religion (shunning, hate speech, tax evasion / theft from society, gender discrimination and anti-gay rules) and turn it into humanism.

    Science will remove any reliance on fake healings or prayer and will prove to be much mightier than all the people's gods and gradually society will just leave it behind as a cultural oddity like Thor and the zx-spectrum.

    Unless we have an event like nuclear war that returns us to the dark ages. Then all bets are off and religion will rule again and the human burnings will start again.

  • WTWizard

    One thing that will absolutely end all religion. When everyone lives in confined human feed lots, slaving all their time for the Rothschilds and getting slaughtered when they are no longer able to, there won't be any time for religion or philosophy of any kind.

  • NewChapter

    Humans evolved the incredible ability to think symbolically. We also have the unique ability to question. We will always have questions. We will always create answers. We are impatient and we want our answers now---so if that means making it up, we will. Sure it's expressed in religion, but also art, drama, literature, and invention. I don't think we will ever lose the need to experience things beyond our abilty and understanding. For myself, literature, music and art fill the need quite well. Science answers my questions and art flirts with the answers yet to be found.

    Will relligion ever cease? Possibly but not for a long, long time and not until we have found satisfying substitutions that are easy to access.


  • JRK

    As P. T. Barnum said: "There's a sucker born every minute." Religion will always exist as long as there are stupid people that want freedom from choice..


  • flipper

    Unfortunately no, religion will always exist due to the superstitious and fickle nature of humans always wanting to know about the " future ". Many humans are so insecure that they feel they have to have answers about why we are here and what life is about- that they think religion provides that imagined " reality " for them. But it's an illusion- the real answers to peace and serenity are deep within each one of us. And also being willing to admit that for some things in life - there ARE no answers . We have the answers within- many people are just too fearful to seek those answers out. They need religion as a prop for their own insecurities.

    Also religion will continue to exist due to the horrid need that many humans have throughout history to dominate and control others. Religion has thus served an adequate function for powermongers to use creating wars which seperate people and create diverse prejudices in humanity as well as innocent lives lost to these controlling bastards . To me- Religion serves no good purpose whatsoever. I'm with Juni's statement about John Lennon's dream coming true, " Imagine no religion " . I wish it would come true, but the way the human race is wired- I don't see it happening

  • Fernando

    Yes, I do believe Babylon the Great spiritual Harlot (aka religion) will come to nothing.

    A Barna survey showed that almost 3 in 4 persons (in the USA) aged 18-29 saw themselves as more Spiritual than Religious.

  • ProdigalSon

    There is a Universal Consciousness. The ancient lost civilization of Atlantis is absolute proof of this. The world went "offline". But it's coming online again.

    All we need is for the truth to be broadcast over the boob-tube, and it wouldn't be long before all religion would cease to exist.

  • Alwayshere

    Religion is like any other business, as long as they have costumers

    they will exist.

  • AnonJW

    Won't happen but I believe that people holding a religious view will some day be in the minority, this was interesting:

    Christianity is slowly, but surely losing ground in England and Wales, according to an official survey yesterday.

    The number who declare themselves to be Christian has dropped by nearly 10 per cent in five years, while the number of non-believers is growing.

    The state research into race and religion also showed that Christians are less than half as likely to attend a place of worship as followers of other traditions.

    The Citizenship Survey showed that Christianity remains the faith of the great majority of the population. But its share dropped from 77 per cent to 70 per cent between 2005 and 2010.

    Over the same period the numbers who say they have no religion went up from 15 per cent to 21 per cent.

    The findings were published days after David Cameron’s speech on the importance of Christianity to Britain, in which he urged the Church of England and its leader, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to take a lead in restoring moral values.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2077775/This-shrinking-Christian-nation-Number-believers-falls-10-just-years.html#ixzz1hdGFoXKc

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