WTWizard, your comment struck a chord with me:
Now, if I have been able to research many an infomercial without ordering products since I got my computer, imagine how many did the same when the witlesses called on them the first time. They take the rags and go online, using a search engine to research the religion. When they find that virtually every credible site has negative opinions about the religion, they are able to cross-reference whether it even abides by the Bible. That's what usually destroys the call.
Not long before I left, I had a bible study with a girl I met on the minstry. I didn't know at the time how brief it would be, but I was excited because she was one of only a very small number of people whom I had managed to convince to study with me having met them on 'first call'. Also, she had family who were Witnesses and who were encouraging her to join. However, one day she told me she had been researching Witnesses online. I think she told me to illustrate how seriously she was taking it, but I reacted the normal Witness way, and told her not to research JWs online under any circumstances. Not long after that, the study fell apart. This incident, not long before my awakening, illustrates to me what I feel must be happening to many more around the world. If you research JWs online, you are not going to be left with a favorable impression. Period.
Whilst the figures I've shown can never constitute definitive evidence, they do point to the internet being a very real thorn in the side of the Governing Body. It is therefore no surprise that they are increasingly vehement in their opposition to it.