Does anyone on this forum have knowledge about casting out demons or evil spirits? There's at least two of them that have been harrasing me even before I was a JW. I recently attended a deliverance church to find some help but it was apparent that the Holy Spirit was missing from that church. Also, the books I've read on the subject haven't been much help. Does anyone have any advice on how to get rid of the little critters?
Evil Spirits
by LizLA 294 Replies latest jw experiences
Broken Promises
Have you seen a dr to have a psych evaluation?
Dude, I know for a fact that there are evil spirits. I had gotten into doing affirmations and such and kept asking for my twin soulmate. One of them showed up pretending to be my spiritual twin soulmate. I spoke to two of them for six months until I started testing them as the Bible says to do. I then found out that they were lying. I stopped talking to them and that's when they started to get mean and nasty.
Easy come... but not so easy GO, eh, dear Liz (peace to you!)? Please forgive my candor, but I am bit confused: if you know they're harassing you, yet believe that by means of Holy Spirit you can get them to stop... why not just ask for holy spirit yourself (Luke 11:13) and oppose them? As Christ did? As the Apostles did? As Paul did?
I mean, it's not like they have power in and of themselves, is it, but only what YOU give them? Right? Which is what you did to begin with... gave them power over you. Literally. And so now... you must take that power back. By opposing them. And I don't mean stand around and talk to yourself... and certainly don't mean by all wishy-washy about it. Eeither you truly want them to leave... or you really don't. Only you know. But, they can't stay... unless you LET them. Oppose them (ignore, don't give in, don't give them power over you)... and they will flee from you.
I hope this helps, truly, and, again, peace to you. In the way Christ gives it (i.e., as a fruit of holy spirit), including releasing from your tormentors!
A slave of Christ,
If any one wants to know if there's really a spirit world beyond the physical world, go purchase Dr. Jeffrey Thompson's CD titled "Theta Meditation System" and listen to it before and during sleep. It will open your psychic abilities and you will be able to hear and see the spirit world. After a few months of listening to the CD, then come ask me if there really is a spirit world.
That's how I was able to hear and see the critters. I bought the CD because I wanted to find a form of relaxation, not knowing that it would open up my psychic abilities. But it does show that there was one thing that the JWs were correct about: Don't get involved in meditation, it can open you up to spirit entities.
Does anyone have any good advice on how to stop the evil critters?
Yes, I think the critters have been around for a very long time trying to make me miserable, which is their pastime. Looking back on my life, I can see the various times they misled me. I have told them to leave; I have commanded them to leave. Additionally, I ignore them but they try to constantly harass me. I'm tired of them trying to control me. I feel something brushing against my legs, my arms, my back, my head, etc. Even if I ignore them, they still try to "touch" me.
I'm looking for someone who has experience in expelling the things. Does anyone have a effective prayer or command?
I can perform exorcisms, is that what you want?
Yes, I agree they don't have any power. All they can do is send stupid messages, harass me, try to manipulate me, and I'm tired of it. I need to put a stop to it.
Yes, an exorcism would be good, if it works.
Although, I am not possesed. They are in the vicinity but not inside of me.