Christ = light = the universe. Rubbish. According to this stupidity ( and I'm sorry there really is no other word for such ridiculous assertions ) Christ gave birth to himself, baptised himself, ate himself, orbited himself , hung himself on himself, spat in his blind eye while flinging himself off a cliff, made himself wither for not providing himself a fig, raped himself, abused himself, atoned for himself, ate his appleself, tortured himself, talks to himself etc.
Evil Spirits
by LizLA 294 Replies latest jw experiences
Christ is the light (which is energy) that brought forth the universe.
Christ = light = universe.
I do not see how that implies any of the things that you stated, Q.
So instead of the assertion that you call stupid, perhaps you just misunderstood what was actually said. You often do. Not knocking you for it (I have misunderstood you before as well), but I know you do as it pertains to me, especially when I see you write something that you claim 'I' believe or said... that I don't believe, and never said.
Christ = Light = Energy = Mass*c = Physical bod(ies) = the Physical universe... and all that is a part of it.
Just in case you missed it. I am glad you don't agree with AGs silliness. Please feel free to more directly state that.
Its the same thing, just with more steps in it.
Christ is the light (which is energy), that creates mass (okay, I don't know what *c stands for in an equation), which gives us the phsyical universe and all that is part of that universe. Which she e x plained hereslf, just in the opposite order:
The physical universe is made up of matter... which is mass times the 'constant' squared... which is energy... which is light... which is... you guessed it: Christ. The "Light" (or energy SOURCE)... of the "world."
None of which should really be new to someone who was once a believer. Christ came first (from God), and everything else came through Him. Christ... the light/life... of the world.
(though we would say universe now... or even universes)
It is AGs botched attempt to describe Einsteins equation - energy = mass * speed of light in a vacuum (c) squared
No, it is Shelby squeezing a truth into a scientific equation for those who need to see it thus, in order to even consider it. Even though she voiced doubt that such would matter and wondered at the benefit of doing so (attempting to communicate something in a way that others demand that it be communicated, even though that would not be entirely accurate). But she came in here to show support to me and the understanding I tried to share as well.
That equation is still true though, and I think you might even accept it... if only Christ was not at the beginning of it.
I, however, have to go to bed. So g'night all, and peace,
Thor = light = mass at rest * the speed of light in a vacuum squared
There you go Tec - I rewrote it for you - how do you like that one? See how it doesn't even balance or make sense?
The reference to Christ in AGs equation is silly the rest of the equation is wrong! Apparently AGs god can't do maths / physics or google.
Of course, dear Q (peace to you!) has proven my point... again... dear tec (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one... and thank you!), which is that it's he that doesn't understand. Nor is he capable, apparently. True, we may not understand ALL that science has to offer, but his assertions that we don't understand science at ALL... is ridiculous. As is his assertion that science does not/cannot "explain"/be in harmony with God.
That his only way to EXPLAIN what HE doesn't understand is to call the truth "stupidity" and me "silly", however... shows that he apparently he doesn't understand a few other things, as well. For example, what constitutes a straw man... and an a d hominem. No surprise: usually (almost always, actually) the case with those who say THEY know.
the rest of the equation is wrong!
Well, okay, maybe I should have posted something like "E=\sqrt{m^2c^4+p^2c^2}". As I stated, I was trying to keep it simple. But you have a problem, why? Because "energy" is explained prior to it's equalization to mc 2 ? Well, we can look at it backward, if you want:
* Mass times the constant squared (i.e., speed of light at a certain constant, yada, yada...) = energy*
But what IS energy, dear one? How is it manifest? Often, via mass/matter, yes. But that only explains the PHYSICAL... which is what I set out: the physical universe. What, though, of energy that has no mass? I know, I know... some believe the equation suggests that ALL energy has mass. But that's not accurate, is it? Tell me, what would be energy... WITHOUT [resting] mass? I believe it's called a... wait for it... photon (yes, I know... there are "massive photons").
Which is what? C'mon... you can say it... LIGHT. So, THAT equation, again, simply put, is:
* E=pc *
... where "p" is momentum (here, none) and "c" is, again, the "constant" (speed of light).
But, again, it was the PHYSICAL universe that I explained... which "energy" HAS mass. The "energy" IT came FROM... the "light"... however... does not. That "energy"... or light... is what... or rather WHOM... that which HAS mass came "out" of. I explained what I saw as to that, here:
It was based on the premise that "something" CAN come from "nothing," as we in the physical realm consider "nothing." The answer, of course, is no... something can't come from nothing. Because, regardless of what we CURRENTLY know/understand... "nothing"... is something.
Ennywho... you really must try and keep up. I've posted on this before, a few times, actually... so it's not like this is just now coming from me. I received it from my Lord over a year ago and did not withhold it.
Now, I really must move on. I've put it out there... shared it. You don't understand it, okay. Again, I already knew that.
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,
I see evil spirits too. Somebody please help me....