A film that is analogous of the Watchtower's demonization of the Internet and isolation from the outside world...

by cedars 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ScenicViewer

    Cedars said,

    ...she was still scared even though she learned the truth about the woods. This may well be compared to how difficult it is for Witnesses to shake free their feelings of guilt and paranoia even when they learn the real truth.

    JWs are not alone in the fear and paranoia they experience during the exiting process. Almost anyone leaving a cult religious group of any brand will go through a similar experience. I believe groups like this are designed that way by the leadership as a deterrent against leaving.

    Even though they deny being a cult, I am learning there are many similarities between JWs and hard-core cults.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I appreciate all of these movies that make us think.

    TANGLED would be closer as an "analogous" comparison to Watchtower than THE VILLAGE. The isolation from "the world" was too complete in THE VILLAGE to the members. They didn't even know it was there. (Same with Truman in THE TRUMAN SHOW) In TANGLED, the member knew about "the world" but was misled about it.

    It's a Disney cartoon, but I really really recommend TANGLED strongly for anyone coming out of the JW's.

  • undercover

    My sister told me about The Village a couple of years ago and kept insisting that I watch it.
    She was probably trying to get back at you for something. Good god it's a dog of a movie.

    If I weren't a recovering JW, I would agree. It's not a great movie. But having escaped the WT cult, I was able to relate to parts of the movie and it held my attention.

    I was able to share this with a movie buff friend of mine. A non-JW but someone who lended a listening ear when needed. So when he asked if he should watch the movie, I warned him that it might not be his cup of tea. I explained why I was able to appreciate it and he watched it with that in mind. He said later, it gave him the oppurtunity to kind of see what we endured mentally. But he agreed, if it hadn't been for that connection, he would've hated it.

  • james_woods

    Lord of the Flies has also always come to mind as an analagy - but I cannot remember seeing a really good film of it.

    We had to read the book in English Lit, and it is pretty revealing about the growth of the Governing Body.

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