Woo-Hoo! We gotta full Revelation tribe in 6 months!
by FrankWTower 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Woo-Hoo! We gotta full Revelation tribe in 6 months!
You are so right Quendi and wha happened! Dubs haven't had an original thought since they joined and have been put to sleep. They don't REASON on things. Further, they don't want to. I have a cousin who is an elder who was visiting and I presented some "questions" for him and he concluded I'd come up with a lot of things by extensively studying with apostates but that anything I came up with, though even to him seemed logical, the WTS had an answer for it and it was just a matter of him going to the publications to look it up. That's his state of mind--that he doesn't have to think or work things out, that is the responsibility of the WTS. His sole duty was to serve them faithfully.
Others sense and know things are wrong and just don't want to face having to do anything about it so they just run from you. So I have the same sentiment, that as bad as the WTS may be in the leadership, they are leading those who want to be misled. They are in charge of those who love the darkness in the first place. In a way, they are spiritually lazy/sleep and don't want that to change.
Ten Virgins: I also would like to add, though, on a fulfillment basis. If the "ten virgins" represent the anointed with JWs, meaning the partaking group, the Bible indicates they all nodded and their lamps burned low. That means they did not understand the details and specifics of the second coming, such as Christ taking up the body of one of his followers, the physical 2nd coming, etc. But this was part of the divinely imposed darkness that was to occur after the great tribulation, i.e. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven..." This corresponds to the nodding of the ten virgins and ther lamps going dim. But when the call in the night occurs that the bridegroom had arrived, which occurred in the Fall of 1998 when I announced the 2nd coming in 1992 and that I was the messiah, then the five wise virgins who had the extra oil, that is, those who were paying attention to chronology and all the prophecies and who were not so impressed with everything the GB told them, got their lamps in order and shining and they were able to connect to accepting the manner and timing for the second coming that had occrred. These then were inducted into the JIOR, those who are part of the wedding feast who understand the truth and details of the 2nd coming. But the foolish virgins didn't get it. Plus the wise virgins didn't share their understanding, their extra oil, with the five foolish virgins. Meaning what?
Meaning that per the Bible, only half the anointed are alert enough to be granted their calling and the other half do not. So from a factual point of view, if we presume those still partaking even roughly represent the ten virgins, only half of those 11,000+ make it into the kingdom, the other half re rejected and become the "grapes of wrath." So that's another thing. There is a very high failure rate among those "invited" to the kingdom because they don't want to accept the reality of Christ returning in 1992 rather than 1914 or that he returns in a physical body, but especially in the body of another person.
When you combine that failure factor among anointed witnesses with the fact that the 144,000 are just 1/10th of the entire number, being the "root" of the tre and thus the full number of the anointed being 1,440,000, then true-life comparisons of those partaking in relation to the 144,000 is irrelevant. The WTS presents the idea that most of the 144,000 would remain faithful and that a failre of a few might open up new seats or any younger person becoming one of the anointed, or I should say any new person starting to partake. But in reality, half of the anointed of the WTS fail that calling because they are not paying attention. The other half don't reveal to them what is really going on, they don't share their "extra oil." Eventually, which is what is happening now, the understanding of the chronology and nature of Christ's 2nd coming in a physical body is understood and revealed to them at which time they want to then acknowledge the messiah and enter into the wedding feast, but they find the door closed and their seats taken by others. The GB and those faithfully following them rather than the Bible would be among those who are part of the "foolish virgin" class and thus become part of the "grapes of wrath" who are expelled from the kingdom.
Interestingly, the number of partaker hit a historic low at 8617 in 1994 just before the change in the sheep and the goats and the generations teachings.
The number then climbed 8760 in 2002. I remember that some stern direction was given on who should partake and the number dropped to 8565 in 2003.
The number has steadily increased to the current number of 11824. This an eyepopping number considering this comment in the 1981 Yearbook right after the so-called Great Apostasy in Brooklyn Bethel:
yb81pp.31-321981YearbookofJehovah’sWitnesses"Over the past seven years, from 1974 to 1980 inclusive, Jehovah’s Witnesses have made steady progress. Their growth is healthy. Only as to Memorial partakers has there been a gradual decline, which is in accord with Scriptural expectations. Thus there is no doubt that Jehovah has been guiding his people unfailingly through Christ Jesus their leader. Observe the following graphic picture of the worldwide progress of Jehovah’s work on earth in these last days."
They will have to address the whole anointed, 144,000, doctrine soon. It was fairly week to begin with and now is becoming an albatross. I have been inactive for over year and found this information pretty easily. It won't take long for others still in to ask the question.
Look for a Question from Readers soon.
They might even be so daft as to say 'Evidently the number 144K is symbolic. It is logical to conclude Jesus meant it's when the figures reach 144K partakers on earth.'
..........and so more time is brought and the 'overlapping'(TM) can continue!
How happifying!
Don't worry, they'll have until 2220 before the partakers become 144,000 again.
Various JW apologists can see this change coming and have adjusted their arguments accordingly. Thus, in place of the old arguments that 144,000 was a literal number we find a new argument that looks something like this:
1. The number of the Body of Christ must be some natural number
2. The true church, the JWs, say that the right number is 144,000
3. So that is the right thing to think
Pretty simple, really. And clearly setting up for the shift to the idea that the number 144,000 is representative of the true, currently unknown number. This change is coming. And not one JW will give a shit when it comes.
still growing
12,604 for 2012
Interesting. So I wonder how JWs explain the sudden rise since 2006. Has the WTS made any attempt to explain it?
yea. Memorial partakers are crazy, and their numbers don"t matter since they aren't part of the FDS
780 increase over last year: 6.5%