might not be a much as a newbie to the bOrg as he claims.
It's all good Mrs. Jones
we can handle it :), can't we ? ;)
by DylanBeam 85 Replies latest jw friends
might not be a much as a newbie to the bOrg as he claims.
It's all good Mrs. Jones
we can handle it :), can't we ? ;)
Studying to be a witless? Try Crisis of Conscience first. Then, I would browse this forum some more. Additionally, I would research independent sites on the religion before studying any more. You really need to know what you are getting into before it is too late.
On the other hand, if you are studying the Bible, use the Bible and just the Bible. Study independently or in small groups. That's the only way to really get an objective viewpoint of what the Bible itself has to say. And, if you run into a doctrine from a religion, cross-referencing it using the Bible and independent sources.
One question is, what is "this generation" in "Truly I say to you, by no means will this generation pass away before all these things come to pass"? If they don't give you a straight answer, of if their answer looks ridiculous, you probably have the wrong religion. If you get an answer such as "the generation refers to those who saw those who saw the beginning of the end", which amounts to stringing generations together, you are not getting a straight answer. If you can't get a straight honest answer to this question, you probably will not get one for other questions. Definitely, Crisis of Conscience, which is still as good today as when it was written, is better than any materials that go out of date every time a little doctrine changes.
"Somehow, I bet Dylan ain't coming back here no mo. ..."
I think that Desirous of Change hit the nail on the head... His posts are stuck at 4 of 4...
However, as Josie said, I think we have another Jehovah's Witness apologist troll on the board...
Either that, or he's off reading all those REALLY OLD publications I've linked for him...
Hee hee hee hee!!!
im better than all the shots thrown at me. i have read the beliefs of JWs and attended meetings therefore this is my way to go. my grandmother is a jehovahs witness and these shots might as well be a shot a her beliefs which i do not approve. So please jehovah's witnesses with great suggestions of publications please do reply. ive heard enough of this cult nonsense.
Currently, there is quite a bit dissention among the rank & file JW members concerning doctrinal changes, however, current members CANNOT speak out publicly about them at the risk of being disfellowshipped/excommunicated and thus completely shunned by all their friends and family. (That's right, just speaking out publicly questioning the doctrine from the Governing Body of the Church can result in excommunication).
Unfortunately, for the religion, just the passing of time has caused major concerns in several of their long-term doctrines concerning the coming of Armageddon which they have given specific dates for several times, and non-specific time periods repeatedly.
As you have discovered, some here on this board are bitter, having been treated badly for just having doubts, so be prepared for that. Most are just concerned about questioning the truthfulness of the religion they have supported for years, and perhaps most of their family members are involved with.
For example, the JW religion definitively said that Armageddon could be expected shortly after the year 1975. JWs now will publicly deny ever stating this specifically, and rather claim that members exaggerated what was being taught as doctrine. But the gact is that the old publications which made the claims are now available online for all to see the truth about it. They really did state it quite specifically, and inferred it many, many times in print and from public speaking engagements by high-level members of the religion, including the Governing Body.
I suspect your Grandmother has told you that for your entire life, has she not? Armageddon is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. Every worldwide crisis is used to support that The End is indeed near!
Although no specific date or year has been published since 1975, the religion has constantly published that it is IMMINENT.....VERY CLOSE....VERY, VERY CLOSE....etc. for all those years. They have encouraged members to put their lives on hold saying that the time for this "world" was too short to ever accomplish anything such as a college education or a career. Thus many older or even mid-age JWs find themselves untrained, uneducated, disadvantaged, and ill-preopared for retirement in this economy.
They have for years taught that Jesus' words at Matt 4:34/Mark 13:10/Luke 21:32 concerning "this generation will not pass away" (before Armageddon occurred) referred to those persons who were born or at least were young in the year 1914 (the year they teach that Jesus' 2nd coming occurred invisibly in heaven and that this "End Times" period began). Obviously, all those people of that "generation" are dead (with few exceptions), thus a recent doctrinal change saying that Jesus meant "overlapping generations" (yes, they used that specific term) and stretching the time line for imminent coming of Armageddon out for many more decades. Very disheartening to most JWs, like your Grandmother, who have been expecting it for decades already, or at least for all of their lives.
Good luck in your research. Surely you would agree it is best to hear both sides of any story. There are plenty of good things to be said about Jehovah's Witnesses. It may indeed be GOOD FOR YOU. That is your decision. But don't only look at one side of anything.
Dylanbeam, if you heard enough of the cult nonsense why do you not run from the cult?
Your grandmother, and apparently you, are brainwashed by a mind-control cult...of which the governing body is equated in her mind (and yours) as God's direct and sole channel of truth. I pity you both.
Are there not JEhovah's Witnesses on this board. i dont think this is an appropriate board for official learning since oppossers are allowed to post things. to all that gave me great suggestions i appreciate it but im done here. ill look toward the brothers and sisters for real information. p.s. ive heard both sides and the opposing one its crap. thanks. goodbye
Ok then, don't let the door hit you on your way out.
im better than all the shots thrown at me. i have read the beliefs of JWs and attended meetings therefore this is my way to go. my grandmother is a jehovahs witness and these shots might as well be a shot a her beliefs which i do not approve. So please jehovah's witnesses with great suggestions of publications please do reply. ive heard enough of this cult nonsense
Dylan, glad to see you are still here.
Remember, some here are like divorced ex-spouses. Not likely to say too many nice things about their former mate. Just overlook the bitterness and read on.
Please note, as you read the newer publications such as "What Does the Bible Really Teach?", you will see that there is not a lot of specific doctrinal material discussed. It is mostly living a better family life with good morals, honesty, etc. Nothing wrong with that. I think the lack of doctrines has to do with the current doctrinal crisis in the religion at the highest level. You have to go back to the publication "You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth" (about 25 years old now) to find a book that taught much doctrine. Some key doctrines in this have had to be revised, as stated in the previous post.
Following the Bible's moral code, as presented by Jehovah's Witnesses, may indeed bring a better lifestyle to you.
ive heard both sides and the opposing one its crap. thanks. goodbye
Again Dylan, I'm afraid you are wrong in that blatant statement. There is some truth to the dissention. Many here are active JWs who are concerned and anxious about these doctrinal changes.
Again, be wise young man (that's what Solomon said). Make sure you know the Full Story.
i dont think this is an appropriate board for official learning since oppossers are allowed to post things.
If anyone made this kind of statement in government, and wanted speech censored, it would be called a dictatorship or communist.
Think about it.
Free Speech is a safeguard.