My Story
by TheWanderer 22 Replies latest jw experiences
Hi Wanderer, thanks for sharing your story. You have survived a hard journey. Welcome and please keep posting.
Welcome to the board, Wanderer!
Wow, you've had a rough beginning in life. However, the fact that you've overcome many of the obstacles set in your way by the religious fundamentalism of the Watchtower Corporation - no higher education, excessive focus on making converts to the exclusion of being financially secure - or at least self-reliant - your overcoming of these obstacles is most encouraging!!
Zid - the board's She-Devil
Thank you for the support, its much appreciated. :)
To the question of my son - I lost contact with him after I moved out of state, but I've recently got back to him through Facebook. We talk as we can, and I'm planning a trip back to Cali to visit in the next couple months.
@ziddina - Unfortunately, I haven't been able to pursue higher education yet, and these days it seems to be quite the racket, without any promise of a good career afterward. But that's another conversation, heh. At least I'm in a good job that has security and isn't too stressful, I can pay my bills with money to spare, so I'm not complaining. :)
@OnTheWayOut - I agree with that sentiment, that perhaps getting beat up might have been 'what the doctor ordered', to break the habit of returning to JW as a crutch for life. It wasn't easy making the transition, of course, and developing social skills with the 'worldly' and such. But I live free of those religious restraints now, and looking back, I wouldn't change a thing.
...well, I wouldn't be opposed to some winning lottery numbers, but otherwise... -grin-
Welcome to the forum TheWanderer.
My hope now is just to live a good, happy life and maybe help a few people along their way.
I'll salute you for that. Go for it and enjoy life.
Regards Paolo.
You have been through a lot and survived. It is hard to swallow the notion that WBTS are Jehovah's spirit annointed organization when you hear stories like this one.
To the question of my son - I lost contact with him after I moved out of state, but I've recently got back to him through Facebook. We talk as we can, and I'm planning a trip back to Cali to visit in the next couple months.
Wanderer, this is the most important part of all your posts. To have a son-how many men have wished for this? Please do everything in your power to get into and stay in a close relationship with him.
The education may not be for a job increase...it just feels good to gain knowledge-it is freeing.
Keep in contact with us...
Wow, that was tough to read. I'm sorry that you were cast out like that. I have never been technically homeless, but I know how lonely it feels to grow up as a JW, and then to be disfellowshipped and have no outside relationships to rely on. A few friends of mine showed me this site and it has helped the lonely feelings alot. Welcome!
Hello Wanderer and welcome!
Wow, quite a story.
I have to think more about something you said "outcast of outcasts"...............wow!
Welcome to JWN! If you're close to Oklahoma City, I there's a real nice ex-jwguy I can introduce you to on Facebook. Private message me if you like. Just click on my name and proceed from there.