The several threads on the literal 144,000 got me to thinking about this: It is getting pretty obvious that the literal 144,000 is at least getting very questionable and likely will not be able to stand long without a serious remodeling. What else has fallen by the wayside?
I thought of these -
1) - The seven-thousand year creative days. It was silly from the beginning, but I think the kiss of death was Freddy's crazy 1975 making the end of 6000 years of the seventh day, and bringing in the millenium as the last 1000 - . They were not willing to give up the 1914 chain of chronology, but obviously the 7,000 years caused a problem. (or else Freddy was just plain wrong). Sooo - the seven thousand year days seem to have just vanished like the pyramid chronology.
2) - The traditional blood doctrine. Yes, I know - they still say no blood transfusions. But now they technically say "whole blood". Blood fractions would have been maranatha to the old-time JWs I knew in the 1960s - we were looking for blood fractions in candy bars of all places. Witnesses were worried that some vaccines or other medicines might have been made from horse blood, and other hysteria abounded. I think this (the mysterious fraction rule) is a move to get away from the blood doctrine.
3) - Conscientous Objection status (draft issues) is wrong for a Christian. This is the one they most openly rejected - they even have said that they never even said it - it was all done by the individual witnesses on their own conscience. This is, of course, a total and self serving lie. But still, this doctrine (which sent hundreds of witness men my age to Federal Prison) did get unequivocally changed.
4) - Millions now living will never die. Well, they didn't exactly say why, but they sure aren't putting this in the inside cover pages of their magazines any more, are they?
5) - The generation alive and cognizant in 1914 would see the Great Tribulation. Inexplicable explanation, (overlapping generations), but the original doctrine outlived itself and had to die.
6) - The U.N. was an evil manifestation of Revelation. I am going out on a limb here a little - but the NGO scandal sure seems to me to have slowed down their 1960s-era fetish of bashing the U.N. Seems like they are a little shy to print this up any more...
This is an astonishing number of core beliefs that have had to be changed - simply because they could be proven to be ridiculously wrong.
Wonder what is coming next???
My guess - 1914 fades away and becomes forgotten history.