My daughter has been an unbaptized publisher for several months and has decided this religion is not for her. I tried to tell her before she got involved that it isn't but she had to learn this on her own. She doesn't want to be an unbaptized publisher anymore, but hasn't committed any sin to be removed. What happens now? Can she just stop attending and disappear or is unbaptized publisher like being a baptized witness where you have to have a meeting with the elders and be disfellowshipped?
Question about unbaptized publishers
by camicia 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
" Can she just stop attending and disappear or is unbaptized publisher like being a baptized witness where you have to have a meeting with the elders and be disfellowshipped? "
Yes, because she isn't baptized they really don't have a hold on her. No, an unbaptised publisher is not like being a baptized witness. She can't be disfellowshipped. She can be shunned, or marked as bad association but not disfellowshipped.
I was unbaptized publisher when I got in a car accident going to work (nearly killed) and missed some meetings and they started that shunning crapp with me. (what a bunch of idiots)
But any ways I think I read in the book that if an unbaptized member sins that the elders are to talk to the unbaptized member and if the elders have to tell them again they are not to DF them for they may not know they are doing wrong and to give them another bible study.
I don't know really because they were always making up something to have me do another bible study. Like I wasn't making enough comments at the meetings when I noticed someone else never ever makes comments and sits next to his spiritual wife but he has lots of money.
They can do what ever they want depending on how important you are to selling literatrash I think.
They will try following an unbaptized publisher if they try leaving though, they followed me to another town and to my employment. I made a misstake and let one person know where I went to work. Caused more problems for me for complaining they followed me to work. Best thing to do if you want to leave is leave and don't pay any attention to them.
Black Sheep
The only control they have over her is what she lets them have.
Does she fully understand that the Watchtower was not selected to be God's sole channel?
If she doesn't, she is not out of the woods yet, and needs to investigate every aspect of that doctrine to assure herself that she is not making a mistake.
She should just tell them. They will announce that she is no longer an unbaptized publisher, but there will be no formal shunning. What individuals do is up to them though. Some people will assume she has done something "wrong". She can also fade. The person she is studying with will probably be concerned and try to convince her to be active again, but no, they don't have the same power over her that they have over someone baptized.
Wasanelder Once
Just stop attending and when she runs into one who asks she can simply state that she is no longer interested. End of story. Simple is best. No letter, no announcement to the masses, just move on and let one know. Once you've done that they will all know quickly.
Black Sheep
Another option, if she has realised that the church is just a scam, is to let every JW she can get her hands on have a piece of her mind for lying to her, wasting her time, and anything else she can think of that they deserve to know about.
Oh yeah .... she shouldn't neglect to tell her friends and workmates as well.
Just thinking just woke up to but wether DA, DF or not interested or what ever they really have no control over you... everyone has problems especially if you let the problems bother you.
I was telling someone about how split up our familly was because of JW's and he said his familly the same way without a JW in his whole familly.
I have worked for people were most work on commissions and when times are slow and everyone going broke boy a lot of them are bears to work around, and I want to tell them that geez if you are afraid you'll starve or something it doesn't do any good to be so upset about it, in fact it only make things worse, and slows bussiness down (a man acting out of anger is a foolish man) I usually find somewhere else to work because there attitude slows me down from making money. (bad association spoil useful habbits)
It kinda like this (F'em if they can't take a joke)
JW's are only man, so why fear man Psalms 49:5. They are only punks under that suit and tie...
Seen on TV once a dog that had just lost a leg and a day or so later the dog jumping all around just as happy as could be. Wow to se a human do that...