Superiority of Divine Education

by 2tone 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • nugget

    Only the watchtower education process can teach you how to follow the GB with unquestioning loyalty. Other education strives to turn you into an independent thinker able to reason and put talents to use in the world it cannot shape you into Witness since being a witness is a closed community that feeds and supports only itself. As a witness you cannot reason or think you must allow yourself to be told by others what to do and say so a secular education is useless and uneccessary.

    This is how it is superior.

  • myelaine

    dear sab...

    thank you for your comment but the thrust of the sermon idea was that paul humbled himself to God...not man. a divine lesson which anyone in the WTBTS would do well to learn. (your listening skills suck when you have an axe to grind )

    love michelle

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It is true about Paul. He doth protest too much. His insecurities are apparent. Maybe that makes the super apostle more likeable. I wonder how he would feel about all the commentary on his work. An author I knew quipped that if Paul knew he was writing scripture, he would have been more careful. It is hard for me to imagine that Paul was just a regular human.

    Divine education is important. The issue I have, which you can not raise, is why secular and divine can't co-exist. It creates a dichotomy that I doubt God wanted. Why would he provide us with such IQs and emotional intelligence to not use it?

  • sabastious

    Band, HAHAHAHA!


  • sabastious

    Michelle, my heart is bestowed to my wife and family, not a very dead and sexually frustrated cult leader as yours seems to be.


  • sabastious

    I know bestowed isn't the right word, but it's the best I got.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    wha happened? > For Pioneers-to-be all the jobs in the list are available - just go, get 'em.

    Excerpts from the Shining as Illuminator's in the World Textbook (1977)

  • AGuest
    God responds to a person with humility. someone who thinks they know it all is not open to being taught. Paul himself was one such person, being very knowledgable in the hebrew scriptures and all the interpretations given by those who were called SCRIBES he thought himself to be complete in knowledge because he was a PHARISEE who could teach these woe to you scribes and pharisees...

    Yet, Paul was taught... as the next comment shows:

    Jesus was the only one who was able to break through his wall of resistance. Jesus was the only one who could humble this man. He had to "learn" to walk humbly with his God.

    He did. But what of... wait for it... Peter? Who the accounts would lead us to believe not only thought he knew it all... but often disputed with Christ himself because he thought he knew it all. Yet... he was taught by Christ.

    ask your audience if they are willing to humble themselves to God or if they believe that they are complete in their knowledge. can God take them to a place of complete divine education willingly or would He find Himself subjected to Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?

    Asking this of a JW congregation is only asking them if they are willing to humble themselves to the "FDS/GB". That IS "God" to them.

    the thrust of the sermon idea was that paul humbled himself to God...not man

    Very interesting comment... VERY... in light of some other (comments) to and about... and expectations of... others. Very interesting. Look how long it took you to "get" that, though...

    Dear 2tone (peace to you!)... the only thing you could say that would be TRUTHFUL... is that "divine education" is only "superior"... when it is OF the Divine... comes FROM the Divine... THROUGH the Divine... so that it imparts TRUTH... not the falsehoods, speculations, suppositions, assumptions, interpretations, misleadings, misguidance... and other ulterior motives and goals... of men... and that any "education" supposedly of a "divine" nature that does NOT exalt God... by exalting the One HE exalted... the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit... in that it does not teach to KISS THE SON... is neither "divine" education... or "superior." It is false... as are those who propound it.

    I hope that helps, dear 2tOne... and, again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    I can't believe how dumb that article sounds suggesting part time work. Doesn't give any suggestions on what to

    do once you get too old and sick to clean restroom bathrooms now, does it?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    An idea struck me about the Witness stance on education. Reading the low paying menial jobs that have already disappeared from the market for cheaper climes struck me at gut level. B/c of my area of expertise, the South had very stringent codes that punished anyone teaching a slave to read. Some house slaves, usually mixed race, managed to find loopholes. The slave would be tortured and executed.

    Thomas Jefferson's black mistress' brother accompanied Jefferson to Paris when he was the American ambassador to France. Slavery was viewed with contempt in France. Jefferson invested in her brother by sending him to an elite French school to be an deluxe baker. French cuisine would be a coup at Monticello. Since the slave could not be coerced, her brother jsut walked away. Jefferson was furious. I read a book that detailed accounts of slaves managing vast estates. Educated slaves could be quite an asset. The problem was that educated slaves led the slave revolts. The ban on education was the solution to the Southern fears of a mass slave revolt.

    When I read Dante or saw the Sistine Chapel, I feel close to God. In fact, I love fine art. When I suddenly come across a true masterpiece, my gut just reacts. I get chills. It convinces me that despite my doubts God must exist. There is nothing in WT theology that should ban education. It is not doctrine that concerns them. Independent thought concerns them.

    I would pretend I was top notch agent for the CIA and write great propoaganda as a cover.

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