I went to my first service meeting this week on the invitation of a Witness friend. (I have never been a Witness, myself)
I agree that the "Governing Body" received a lot of mention in those few paragraphs in discussion of Acts 15. The thing that struck me most was the discussion of Cornelius in Acts 10. He was held up as a righteous person. Imagine, a centurion from an occupying army being considered a devout man. There's no mention of Peter telling him that he really should give up the army life in order to be acceptable to God. Cornelius may well have, scripture doesn't say. I wondered if that fact may have been collectively and conveniently by-passed.
Forgive me if I am going off topic but I've often wondered about Christ's words in John 18:36
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. • But my kingdom is not from the world.”
I've seen this as a prohibition from Jesus about using force to fight for the advancement or preservation of the kingdom of God. But can this be used as an all out prohibition against fighting for any other "kingdom"? Jesus seems to say that his servants would fight under certain circumstances. He didn't say his servants would never fight. Fighting can take many forms, you can fight on a battlefield, you can fight within a legislature for laws or someone's rights. Is there a Witness prohibition against being a Police Officer? I believe they have to "fight" every now and then.
It was an interesting experience. I'm glad I got the opportunity to go.