w66 10/15 627 -Perhaps the first blessing was to hear music and songs from the new songbook, "Singing and Accompanying Yourselves with Music in Your Hearts." The brilliant color of the songbook created an appearance of a sea of purple flickering flowers. At many conventions, expressions of delight and applause followed song after song!
*yb74 235 -...we received our Truth books...Because of its effect and its blue color the book was soon dubbed "the blue bomb" by many.
*w87 10/1 32 - Earlier this year, the following letter was received from a mother: "This subscription is for our two-year-old son. During the Watchtower Study, he must have his own copy. I've tried to give him another one when we didn't have an extra copy, but he would notice that the pictures didn't match, and he wanted the issue we were using. I'm sure the beautiful color pictures impress even a young child and will help his early appreciation of the spiritual food he can't understand as yet."
Why not make sure that each of your children has a personal subscription for The Watchtower? Receive a subscription for a year by filling in and mailing the accompanying coupon, along with $5.
*km 12/78 1-2 - One elder stated: "How thrilling it is that the Society can now produce a book that is so visually appealing for our young ones! This splendid publication, with magnificent color pictures on almost every page"
In the midst of the war years, a thrilling convention was held in Zurich in 1942. On Sunday morning the front rows of the convention hall were full of glowing young faces! This was to be a special event for them. In a talk addressing them in particular, they were reminded to be diligent, obliging, helpful and kind, and above all, to obey their parents in accord with the Bible's counsel. At the end of this lecture, the book Children was released, and every one of those young folks was to receive a free copy.
Brothers stepped to the platform, each one with a supply of books in nine different hues. Then all the children were invited to walk across the platform, and each one received a book in the color of his choice. What a joy that was for the children! More than 400 books were thus placed in the hands of prospective Witnesses. Quite a number of those children became zealous workers and are still active in Jehovah's organization.