Damn, how many hours to wherever the hell you and your Hutterites are?
by wasblind 168 Replies latest jw friends
Yes well Alberta is the Appalachia of Canada...
I guess I'd better start planning my Canadian vaca
You haven't spent much time in Saskatchewan, have you?
I guess I should have said Alberta Man/Sask...but I didn't want to confuse the Americans
Well that's not hard when talking about those northern wastelands
At least we don't have wastelands of jesus freaks.
I see I am not part of the posse then
happy new year to you all
that does not give you the right to say all blacks group up
in a posse and are ghettoese and thugs
I try to stay out of these contrary kind of posts and I'm just reading them all and trying to figure out what is going on. I will say one thing though - the above statement is certainly true however, the same is true of statements commonly heard that 'white man' stole the native lands and slaughtered the Indian. (that's example but there are a lot more)
This arbitrary generalization perpetuates the myth that all white people hate/d other races and cultures and tried to wipe them out. This is so far from the truth it's ridiculous, but it does not stop people simply saying 'white man' is evil and pointing the finger, so as much as we cannot say all black groups are in a posse etc, we should not say all white people are the cause of oppression and hate. We would be better off recognizing that there are powerful people who in their quest to retain power will use whatever means they choose to hold on to it. All of us, of every color and every race of people, have been used and abused by others in power ful positions at some point in history and it is those people who are responsible, not a whole country or a whole race of people.
Generalizations - purposefully perpetrated by politics, media, religion etc - to divide and continue dividing. It doesn't make a person racist if they have an opinion on a subject. In this case, I don't know the poster and can't say what was in their mind by using the words they did - sammies